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Show In the Social Realm. At the home of Mrs. Nellie Rose last Friday evening, tho officers of tho Y. M. and V. L. Assns. entertained in honor of tho Garland Mutual Dramatic Co. About 30 guests were present. pre-sent. The evening was most pleasantly spent in various parlor games, music, singing, reciting and social conversation . Tho social was given by the officers to show their appreciation apprecia-tion to the company for its work in benefiting the orgonizatious. Ice cream, cake and fruits wero served. Miss Sadie Orwin entertained last Friday night at tho homo of her sister, Mrs. Lewis Lilly-white, Lilly-white, a few friends at an Easter party. About 24 guests wero present. Easter colors, white and gold, wero introduced introduc-ed in tho decorations, games and luncheon. Various prize games wero indulged in and music and social conversation formed a part of tho evening's entertainment. A delicious Easter luncheon was served. mm Mrs. Heliah Groesbeck, First Counselor to Prest. N ary B. Preston of tho Garland Primary Association, was tendered a very pleasant social and surprise at her homo Monday evening by tho officers, aids and teachers of the Association. A few near by friends of Mrs. Groesbeck wore invited guests. The ovoning was enjoyably spent in playing Pitt, Flinch and other amusements amuse-ments and in making a nice lot of home-made candy. Those present wore Mrs. Heliah Groesbeck Groes-beck and family, Mary B. Preston, Pres-ton, Maggie Wixom, Mantina Jensen, Mary Austin, Cora Murie, Jesse Garrett, Amy Gross, May Fife, Vera Edwards, Johana Hales, Lottie B. Smith, Mary Shu m way and Mrs. H. F. Miller. |