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Show Important to Mothers. i- Examlno carefully every bottle of CASTOIUA, a safe and suro remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the stT st Signaturo of t6af&uGfa In Uso For Ovor HO Years. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought I Tho rich, as wo reckon them, and among them tho very rich, in a true scale would bo found very Indigent and needy. Emerson. I Takers of the United States Census will uso Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen because it 1b always ready and sure. I And tho man who kills time will discover that sooner or later it will como back and haunt him. ITAVIS' PA IN'KTIXHIt tins no substitute No othor rcmcdjr la no rffpctlve for rheumatism, lumbago, Mlttncm. ncuralulu or ocld of any sort, l'ut up In 2Sc, 8io una lOo bottles. I A brother Is a young man who flatters his grown-up sister. IONIA' ONI? "nilOMO QUININE." That Is IMXATIVK IlltOMO QlflNINK. Jam foJ tlin tlsnaturo nr 15. W. (JllOVH. Uked Uie World OTortoCuroaColdluOnuDar- VSc. I The best people on earth nro youi wife's folks so she thinks. I HRik pakKcR'S I Hi HAIR BALSAM, H IFufH 1-romoLl a luurUnt growth. H HftVff3H Hair to lta Youthful Co or. Kajlj " t0aindUOt DrufiriiU I PATFftlT 2WrcidiTAH'i!55Sifi3?AftSS2 H M E Ball! H HtltrrldMu.Uaik,ttaiJiligtim,IM'. I SS5WI5 1 Thompion's Eye Water Distemper In nil its forms, among nil nfjes of horses and dogH, cured nnd othcrH in the mime itnblc prevented from having the disease with Spohn's Distemper Cure. Hvery bottle bot-tle guaranteed. Over 600,000 bottles sold last year. $.50 mid $1.00. Good druggists, or send to manufacturers Agents wanted. Write for free book. Spoil n Metl. Co., Spec. Contagious Diseases, Uoshcn, Ind. A man seldom hns enough sparo time to convlnco n woman that bIio's mistaken. 1MI.KS Cl!Ki:i) IN O TO 14 DAYS. VA7.0 OlNTMKNT lKtmranlre(l to cure nnr rsxa nf ltrhlnir. Mind, Illrrrilng or rrntrudlrJK I'lloa In litoWdajsoriuoney rcfundod. 60a Many an otherwlBo truthful woman lies about the amount of money her husband Is limiting. don't ni:oi.i:c:t that coucm It rrrtntnljr nicks your rleui ami mar run Into mmctlnnir Korlou. .tll'n'j l.untl Hattam nil! clu-rk ilyulckly and irrmanintlr. Koraaloululldrugglats. Vanity 1b duo to n leak In one's wisdom wis-dom tank. There's more strength in a bowl of H Quaker Oats I than in the same H quantity or the same H value of any other H food you can eat. H Most nourishing, least expensive. go A Remarkable Invention NO STROPPING NO HONING H KNOWN THEWORLD OVER W. N. U Salt Lake Olty, No. 14--1910. cfoiflxL? I Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? We can H iurnish positive proof that it has made many remarkable H cures after all other means had failed. H Women who are suffering with some form of female illness should consider this. As such evidence read these two unsolicited testimonial I letters. We guarantee they are genuine and honest state- H ments of facts. H Crcsson, Pa. "Plvo years ago I Lad a bad fall, and hurt H Juj-sclf inwardly. I was tinder a doctor's care for nino weeks, and when I stopped I grew worse again. I sent for a bottlo of H Lydlft E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, toolc it as directed, H and now I am a stout, hearty woman." Mrs. Ella E. Aikcy, Crcsson, Pa. Balrd, "Wash. "A year ago I was sick -with kidney and H hladdcr troubles and fcmalo weakness. Tho doctors gave mo up. All they could do was to just let mo go as casilyas possible, H I was advised by friends to tako Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable H Compound and Blood Purifier. I am completely cured of my H ills, and I am nearly sixty years old." Mrs. Sarah Icigkton H Baird, Wash. H Evidence like the above is abundant showing that the I derangements of the female organism which breed all kinds H of miserable feelings and which ordinary practice does not H cure, are the very disorders that give way to Lydia E. I Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. H Women who are afflicted with similar troubles, after I reading two such letters as the above, should be encouraged H to try this wonderfully helpful remedy. H Fop OO years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable fi5! I Compound has been tho standard remedy for 7lvdm5w VT H femalo ills. No sick woman does justice to Wf 4r H herself who will not try this famous medicine. V fa'iRr H Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and I n?" ?J H has thousands of cures to its credit. I I2jp U J BlggMrs. Plnkham invites all sick women frA In) H rasF to writo her for advice. Sho has guided thounandfl to health free of charge. $i&SllS Address Mrs. Plnkham, Iiynn, Mass. , ,fXO Martha I JKIl m iMlWasliiiig toil I Comfort Shoes I JU UlA W cnu'ne comfort that's what &f H a xMwJlllr fc mcans to wcar the stylish ffl H Martha Washington Comfort Shoes. pSj H B55jjp"'' They fit like a glove, and insure complete J H jgS re3t and relief. No buttons or laces just slip Vjgf fl 13 them, on and off like a slipper. Elastic at the sides sp H Igy provides perfect fit over any instep. You will never If H yy ' know how comfortable a good loolclng shoe can be until you havo worn fe W MARTHA WASHINGTON COMFORT SHOES Jg I if Bewara of Imitations. Only the genuine havt the name Martha Washington f H U and Mayer Trade Mark stamped on the sole. Refuse substitutes. .lv 1 i Your dealer will supply you j If not, write to us, VtB'h. H H FREE -If you will lend ua the name of a dealer who does SSfM'lJX' IH m not handle i Martha Washington Comfort Shoes, we will SKMi atMWMl'JJik iH 4 wontbis8 b"ut'ru, p,cture of M"th gm tmmml Wealeo mate HonorblltShoea for men.Leadlnir Lady MmKS mKM'jitM iH |