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Show BESET BY TWO GREAT POWERS Little Republic of Liberia tn Danger v of Being Ground to Pieces by ) ' Great Britain and France. Washington. Pressed upon ono sldo by Franco nnd beset by Great Brltala on tho other, Liberia Is between two millstones which threaten to grind it off tho map unless the nation has tho support of some power commensurato In strength with Great Britain and France. That Is one of the principal conclusions conclu-sions expressed In the report of tho American commission to Liberia, transmitted to congress on Friday by President Taft with a special message. mes-sage. After reviewing the Internal 4' f dangers which threaten Llborla aa J well as those crowding from tho out- I side, the commission hns made tho I following recommendations: I 1 That tho United States extend 1 Its aid to Liberia In tho prompt sot- j tlement of her boundary disputes. 2 That . tho United States enable Liberia to refund Its debt by assuming assum-ing a guarantee for tho payment of obligations under such an arrangement arrange-ment tho control and collection of LI-berlan LI-berlan customs. 3 That the United States lend its-assistance its-assistance to the reform of tho Internal Inter-nal flnnnces. 1 That this nation aid in organizing organiz-ing nnd drilling a competent constabulary constab-ulary or frontier police. 5 That tho United States establish and maintain a research station there. G That the United States reopen the question of establishing a naval coaling station in Liberia. |