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Show WOULD PUNISH INSURGENTS Regular Republicans Start Movement Which Means Trouble for Members Who Deserted Their Leaders. Washington Through tho formation on Wednesday of an organization which its leaders claim represents a clear majority or the entire senate, and to bo mado up wholly of regular Republicans, a movement wns started to settle whether tho sonato shall remain re-main conservative, become radical, or bo thrown Into political chaos as Tar as concerns any coherent policy on tho administration programme. To Senator Sena-tor Aldrlch was given tho leadership of tho movomont. Senator Aldrlch called tho regular Republicans together to-gether and confronted them with a grim description of tho possiblo political politi-cal effect of their apparent defeat at tho hands or tho insurgent Republicans and Democrats in tho fight over tho traffic agreement section of the administration ad-ministration railroad bill. He asked his associates whether they woro ready to submit to domination by such a combination. Any such surrender, ho warned them, meant tho failure of the Taft policies and tho downrall or conservative control, not only In congress, con-gress, but In tho Republican party generally. gen-erally. The entire tone of this conference was bolllgercnt toward tho Insurgents. This waB tho dominant note: "Let us get together and stand ns a unit against every insurgent proposition. It tho Insurgents proposo anything good, we'll take It over bodily and put It through ns our own; If they proposo anything bnd, we'll stamp It out." It was stated President Tart had been kept fully advised of thd situation situa-tion and wna entirely in sympathy with tho plan and virtually pledged to It. Tho Inability of tho two factions fac-tions of tho Republican pnrty to got together la tho immedlato causo of danger to tho loglslatlvo programme. Each side blames tho other. Tho Insurgents In-surgents say tho fault lies In tho arro-ganco arro-ganco and Intolerance of the long-time lenders of tho majority toward tho progressive pro-gressive policies represented by most of tho Republicans of tho middle west. Tho regulars charge the Insurgents Insur-gents aro simply trying to destroy tho Republican party by attempting to discredit dis-credit Its time-honored leadership and principles and to rldo over tho ruins to powor. |