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Show I W. E Gelz, I Tremonton, Utah. I Eyes jl Glasses K Tested Fitted bbbbbbb VALENTINES! A Clean, Up-to-Dat Line SOMETHING you will W ploasod to send to your friends. Don't Miss our selection selec-tion of the latest valentine. valen-tine. Yours for a SQUARE , DEAL. Riter Bros. Druo Go. Logan and Garland, Utah, Franklin, Preston and Mont-polier, Mont-polier, Idaho. Sunday Services. Regular monthly Fast day services were held at tho Garland Gar-land hall last Sunday afternoon, Bp. A. R. Caponor presiding. Singing by tho choir "Tho Morning Breads, the Shaddows Flee." Prayer by U. S. Riso. Singing "How Great tho Joy," etc. Sacrament administered by Elders Geo. W. Millor and R. M. Lishman. Sacramental hymn. N. C. Mortonsen and wife and John G. Rhodes were accepted as mombers of tho ward. Announcement was made that the Primary Assn. would hold its regular meetings on Monday afternoon instead of F r i d a y afternoon hereafter. Two babies were blessed. Opening remarks were mado by Bishop A. R. Capener, encouraging en-couraging the saints to pay their tithing weekly or monthly instead of waiting until the end of the year. Tho mooting was turned over to the saints for testimony bearing and the following fol-lowing responded: A. R. Capener, Cape-ner, II. S. Rise, D. E. Manning, Man-ning, R. M. Lishman, T. E. Secrist, A. II. Archibald, Chas. Wood, Wm. King and Ava Sasser. The choir sang the anthsm "Jesus is My Sheppard" during the services and the meeting closed by tho choir singing "In Heavenly Love." Benediction by D. C. Chapman. Attendance 139. L. W. Preston, Ward Clerk. Won't Need A Crutch. When Editor J. P. Sossmau, of Cornelius, N. C, bruised his leg badly, it started an ugly sore. Many salves and ointments oint-ments proved worthless. Then Bucklon's Arnica Salvo healed it thoroughly. Nothing is so prompt and sure for Ulcers, Boils, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Corns, Sores, Pimples, Eczema or Piles. 25c at All Druggists. nag Hugs for Summer House. Somo or tho wcnlthfCHt Now York women nro furnishinK theli summer homes with rug rugs, Instead of tho handsome Oriental lloor coverings that nro a murk of luxury; and, what Bee:u odd to thuKo who cannot afford to pleuso each whim, the rooms are buiiiR ror.anered with simple sprigged effects, and all evidences of up-to-datedncsu aro helng eliminated, to be In keeping with these copies of tho colonial n's carpets. Home Grown Nursery Stock. Trees budded from bearing trees Jonathan, Gano, Rhome Beauty, Wine Sap and other varieties. Roses, Shrubbery, Etc. Prices mailed on application. State Nursery Co., 1729 State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. SHUMWAY & THOMPSON. Money Lenders. Dealers in Real Estate and Fire Insurance. Agents for tho Bear River Mutual Fire Insurance In-surance Co. Bell phonos 35 blk, and 9-2 red, Garland, TJtuh. Boyd and Francis DKALKRS IN Fine Candies, loo Cream, Soda Water, eto. Oranges, Bananas and Fresh Fruit in Season. Garland, ' Utah. -v bbbbbbbj i i iiiiiSi..iii in m& m o&m 1 ANNUAL CLEAN UP. i. lis Big reduction on Outing Flannels, "Dress Goods, f sm Fleeccd-lined and Wool Undorwoar. 1$$! m r-i l p Uuting rlannei jp! 0i 10c values reduced to 7c pj iflll 12c values reduced to 10c a jp Dress Goods I tDE $1.25 values reduced to 90c (3&n gja $1.00 values reduced to 75c 10 35c values reduced to 25c iD(s Fine lino Fleeced-lined underwear $1.20 values re- tDlJ V sire duced to 90c per garment. Lamsdown "85c values re- Ejjp l duced to (50c per garment. All Fleeced-lined union wtoA Tjjgj suits (splendid values) going at same reductions. jjJ H Mne's Fine Wool Undeawear $1.15 values now 80c M $1.35 values now $1.00 $1.50 values now $1.10 rf- Full line of groceries. Prices the lowest. Ijisj W. L. GR0VER & SONS, i aWHEkE THE TEAMS STOPj . ... - Further Argument I I Useless. I I There's a certain point in nearly everything IJ I made, beyond which cheapness ceases to bo econ- One of these things is lumber. gaJVH Cheap lumber, liko shoddy furniture or paper l.W soled shoes, is always dearest in the end. Itemem- ' bor, its tho final, not tho first, cost that counts. Every time repairs have to ho mado on your build- ingsmakes your cheap lumber cost you just that, I We soil tho good kind and ovorything else BEST I in the Furniture and Hardware line. You can't get poor stuff here wo don't keop it. I JENSEN BROS., 0APL& j - jjSL Pant I I I SM Market 1 j: 1 lmm 1 J I WM and 1' I W $5.00 I I "Garland Mercantile Co.! I Cg3 Wm. Preston, Mgr. r 1 |