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Show 1IELLJS CRITIC SCANDALOUS EXTRAVAGANCE IS CHARGE OF WYOMING CON-GRESSMAN. CON-GRESSMAN. Despite Hostile Attitude of Westerner, and Colorado Colleague, Forestry Bureau Found Many Defenders Defend-ers In the House. Washington. A running firo of criticism wns pourod Into tho forestry service in tho houso on Tuesday while the agricultural appropriation bill was under consideration. The entire session was devoted to the forestry schedule. Representatives Mondell of Wyoming nnd Taylor of Colorado wero tho chief critics of the bureau of forestry, which found many defenders defend-ers in the house. Mr. Mondell, replying re-plying to an Inquiry by Representative Representa-tive Mann of Illinois as to why tho national na-tional forests could not bo made profitable profit-able now, If ever, said the reason was found In tho "scandnlous extravagance" extrava-gance" that characterized the conduct of tho forestry service. Much of Its money, ho said, was spent for objects in no wny related to tho cutting of timber or to the protection pro-tection of forests from fire. Conventions Conven-tions of foresters, held simultaneously with gatherings In which hostile criticism criti-cism was likely to bo voiced for the purpose of offsetting such criticism, press bureau work, unnecessary traveling trav-eling expenses and tho maintenance of largo forces of employes in Washington Wash-ington and elsewhere, wore among tho items of extravagance enumerated. enumer-ated. However, In no Instance was an appropriation ap-propriation for tho bureau of forestry reduced on Tuesday by tho house. |