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Show t IDAHO STATE NEWS Noz Force county will vote on tho prohibition question on March 0. Wnshlngton county has organized a fair association and will hold a fair next fall. A Noz Pcrco county farmer has recently re-cently sold a hog that weighed 700 pounds, and which brought $54.75. Going to the bedroom to feed her baby, Mrs. F. R Wyatt of Burke discovered dis-covered that the Infant had been smothered to death. Last year Utah and Idaho produced 6G0.000 tons of sugar beets, which, when refined, nindo approximately 104,000,000 pounds of sugar. Tho 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hock of Wolser was painfully pain-fully wounded In his right foot while playing with a loaded revolver. Tho two-year-old son of B. Man-ring, Man-ring, living near Harpstcr, Bwallowed a quantity of carbolic acid which ho found, and died In terrible agony. Canyon county is Intending to fund the ?100.000 debt created through the prosecution of tho murderers of former form-er Governor Steunenberg, nt 2 per cent. Two 7-yoar-old boys residing at Sandpolnt have confessed to robbing tho postofllce nt that place, taking mall belonging to tho Humblrd Lum-bor Lum-bor compnny. An ice Jam, which hnd formed abovo the brldgo across tho Bolso river at Pnrmn, was blown out with dynamite, eliminating all danger to tho bridge from the Ice. Whilo digging a well on the farm of James Bennot near l'arma, oil was struck at eighty feet. That locality issaid to have always been considered as oil territory by experts. Tho potato and orchard heating specinl, run for the Inst two weeks over tho Oregon Short Line In ldnho, was a success. Over 15,000 came to listen to tho lectures given by tho experts. Tho King Hill Fruit Growers' association asso-ciation has llled articles of incorporation incorpora-tion with tho secretary of state. The association starts out with a good membership nnd every prospect of success. Daniel Kenney, Sr., a pioneer resident resi-dent of Pocatollo, died on Jnnunry 30. Tho cause of Mr. Kenney's death was Botnowhat peculiar. As a result of a contraction of the esophagus ho choked to death. Gunning for jack rabbits nnd encountering en-countering a wildcat Instead was tho experience of four of Bolso's NIm-rods, NIm-rods, one morning recently, one of the party, W. D. Cole, receiving somo urlous scratches as a result. If congress authorises the Issuance of, reclamation certificates of Indobt-kjnels Indobt-kjnels or bonds to the extent of $30,-00, $30,-00, all government irrigation pro-jBf pro-jBf now under way can be coin-Hd coin-Hd according to approved plans In Hit two years. Hfrobnbly not less than 500 acres of Wntaloupes and 300 acres of watermelons water-melons will be planted on tho King Hill segregation the coming senson. It v was demonstrated Inst year that uo V bottor melons can be grown anywhere than In that section. The postmaster general has mado n piling to the effect that rural car-H' car-H' rlers after February 1 shall not col- lect loose coins placed In mall boxes for postage. Patrons will be required to place such coins In nn cnvolope or wrap them securely in paper. More sheep are being fed In tho neighborhood of Klmborly this win-ter win-ter than at any previous time slnco Hl the settlement of the project nnd as a conscquenco the fanners are recelv- Hw 'nB tn Prices for hay and other feed HHMteuctB they havo to dispose Hins are on to the dams the stato K3 Snake American A Ono million bo Kd reclaim acres H It is ratso HHvol river Ameri- thlrty-fbur HBrsate cointncrco commls-HHBMBgfltthmMho commls-HHBMBgfltthmMho League |