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Show NORTHWEST NOTES Mrs. A. U. C. Day, a plonoar woman of Carson City, Nevada, Is dead nt the ago of 70. The Colorado Woman's Republican chili hns Indorsed Mrs. Dewey C. Bailor Bai-lor for congress. Within a month upwards of a dozon tno' nave been shot, wounded or killed at Virginia City, Nevada. Owing lo delay In securing mater-Inls mater-Inls the Western Pacific will not com-menco com-menco running their trains until No-ember, No-ember, says tho Ely, Novnilu, News. A contract has been let for tho building of a now theater at rtono, Nevadn, to cost $112,501). Senator Geo. S. Nixon Is Interested In tho enterprise. enter-prise. (1 If. Wilson nnd B. W. Murphy, two old prospectors, havo discovered a ledge near Ooldflold which hns tho np-penrnnco np-penrnnco of cnrrylng commercial asbestos. as-bestos. A teamster named Charles Miller, employed by the Missouri Hlver Power company, met Instant death In a runaway runa-way while engaged In hauling steel for tho new dam across the Missouri river near Helena. William .1. Orlswold, ranchman nnd Hlioepownor of Cherry Creek, Nevada, suicided last week, taking poison. Every Ev-ery effort was made by his friends to save his life after It became known Dint ho had taken the poison, but In vnln. "Senator Charles A. Culberson of Texns will bo tho opponent of William Wil-liam J. Bryan for tho Democratic nomination for tho presidency In 1912," announced Senator Robert Taylor Tay-lor of Tennessee In an Intcrvlow nt Spokane. Mrs. Annlo Furlong and Mrs. Jnno Qulnn, wlu3 nro sisters and both much over soventy years of ago, became violently Insnno at Vcrdl, Nevada, and before they could bo restrained did much damage in the neighborhood neighbor-hood of their hoe. Probate fudge Coffey has fixed tho amount of tho Inheritance tax to bo paid to tho state of California by the widow of tho lato Clans Sprockles nt $07,G51. In a partial distribution of tho cstnto three weeks ago Mrs. Sprockles was allotted $3,370,884. P. R. Nicholas, state engineer of Nevada, has completed the plans for tho now prison and has submitted them to the prison bonrd. Tho planB jirovldo for accommodation, of more than three hundred prisoners. The estimated esti-mated cost of the structure Is $275,000. The receipts at tho United States assay as-say ofllco In Helena for tho month ot September, according to tho statement of tho official in charge, amounted to $1C!),000, of which Montana contributed contribut-ed $1C3,000. This Is a gain of $56,000, compared with tho receipts for tlio correepondlng month last year. Montana Is to havo a now railroad, articles of Incorporation of tho Montana, Mon-tana, Wyoming & Southern company of New Jersoy having been filed with tho secretary of tho state. A standard gauge lino is to bo constructed trom Bridge and Belfry to Bear Creek, Carbon Car-bon county, a dlstanco of thlrty-tlirco miles. Tho automobllo carrying tho Phila delphia Press courier bearing n rues-hngo rues-hngo from President Tnft to tho president pres-ident ot the Alaska-Yukon-Pnclflc ox-poslton, ox-poslton, rolled down n 30-foot om-bnnkmont om-bnnkmont Into tho Snoqualmlo river, three miles west of North Bond, Wnsh. The occupants of the car swam ashoro. Declaring tho methods now used in dealing with city prlsonors nro dls racoful, Police Commissioner Georgo Armstrong of Spoknno marked his t'tMt day in oflice by ordering hot watt wa-tt fonp, towels and safety razors for all the men In Jail, nnd declaring that In the futuro nny prisoner being ro-leased ro-leased shall be entitled to a "full stomach, stom-ach, a bath, clean clothing and a shave, to make him teel like a man," Tho Plorenco Goldold company hns declared n dividend of ton conts per sharo, payable Octobor 25, making tho total disbursements 5030,000. .Consolidated Plorenco and Combination Frnctlon dlvldonds, payable pay-able within thirty days, total $1,2G3,-000. $1,2G3,-000. Weather permitting, trains will bo operating between ,San Francisco and Salt Lako City by tho Wostorn Pacific, beginning November 1st, says tho San Francisco Chronicle. But sovcuty-Ilvo imllos of tho now transcontinental lino remain to bo constructed. William Reoso, n farmor of Sumas, Wash., nenr tho international boundary boun-dary lino, was fined $800 and costs in tho fedornl court nt Tacoma for hnv-Ing hnv-Ing smuggled n dressed pig across tho United States. Ho pleadod guilty guil-ty and paid tho fine. Soptombor gold receipts at tho So-attlo So-attlo assay ofllco wore loss than 2,000,000, or nearly a million less than for last Soptombor; Lack of water for tho placor mining is tho ccuiso. Receipts tor tho yoar will bo about $18,000,000. |