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Show BBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBlBIB j i mt m GIRL MASQUERADES AS BOY Works for Three Years in a Livery Stable Before Her Identity Is Discovered by Accident. Cleveland, O. After masquerading as a boy for threo years, playing I boys' games, working In a local llv- ery stable, driving a grocer's wagon 1 and hustling heavy boxes and express m packages, "Harry Roberts" has con- . 1 fessed to the pollco that "ho" Is a v J girl and "his" name Is Lillian Hoft- fl man, stepdaughter of Gottlieb MelerB 1 of this city. ' 1 . Threo years ago the girl, then only I 17, tired of her home. She ran away, "j m donned boys' clothes nnd went out 1 Into tho world to work ns a man. i Her Identity beenmo known a short ; time ago, when she was arrested while In tho employ or D. Martin, n : grocori on a trivial chargo. Sentence ( was suspended, but the pollco looked further Into "Robert's" pareer. They lound no serloua acts other than that j thoy discovered that tho "boy" was renlly a girl. Her stepfather ascribed ascrib-ed the girl's strange bent to a love ' Tor horses. Tho girl says alio had nlwnys wanted to be n boy. |