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Show Thumb Mark Replaceu Monogram. According to a Philadelphia stntion er tho thumb mark In taking tho plac of tho monogram on notopnpor. "The thumb mark," says this authority, "la engraved In gold or silver, and has all tho valuo of a Dortlllon mark ol Identification. Somo peopto prefer ta have tho thumb mark printed In re5 or blue, but tho metal coIoib nro gen erally apprised. It has sovcral ad vantages besides its novolty, familiar Izing ono's friends with a persona) sign manual which cannot easily be duplicated. Many of the thumb marks are also surprisingly plcturesquo, and it is not dlftlcult for tho writor to an nox a fresh thumb mark in Ink, and this can bo compared with tho engraved en-graved mark when ono wants to es tabllsh tho Identity of special writings." |