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Show O. .S L. TIME TABLE HHH raaaarurar No. 32 Paaaana-er No. SI HHJ COUTH BOUND -MOnTII BOUND HHJ liT Malad 7:30 am Lt Brlgham 6:10 p ra HHH lr Garland 1:42 am Lv Corlnna C20 p m HHH lr Tramont 1X1 am Lt Tremont 8:15 p m HHJ Jj Iff Corlnna t:17an Lr Garland l:W p ra HHJ j At Brishara 9:40 am Ar Malad 8:10 p ra HHHJ ! Connecta with Cache Connecta with Cache H ! H Taller train No. 12 for Valiay train No 11 from J j Cardan and Halt Laka. Olden and Salt Lake. l MIXED TRAIN. H- R North Bound. H, I Leaves Ogden 8:20 n.m. H' B Brigham.. ..9:55 a. m. BJ"f M Corinne. .. .10:10 a. m. Tremont.. .10:53 a. m. Hj Garland .. 11:20 a. m. Arrives at Malad. ... 1 :oo p. m, South Bound. Lee vet Malad 1:20 p.m. Garland 3 125 p. m. BBj. Tremont.. ..3:40p.m. H! $ Corinne 4:30 p.m. fl Brigham .. ..4:55p.m. BH Arrives at Ogdcn . . . . 6:25p. m. F. F. Gross, ! t Local Agent, Girland Utah. I LOCAL MAILS. B j MAILS ARRIVB. bbb BBB ! From South i J I 7:00 p.m. MAILS CLOSE Going South j 8.15 a.m. I STAR ROUTES.' B Mails arrive from Penrose and BBJ jj way at 11 :00 a. m. B Mails leave 'for Penrose and j I way at 1 :00 p. m. BBl j j Mails arrive from Stone and BBI j way at 6:30 p. in. BBl j I Mails leave for Stone and way BBBj jj at 6:30 a. in. ! ! I j Office boura from 8 a. m. to 0 p. m. j i' Eva C. Wilcox, B I r Postmaster. BBj We would be pleated to have our read- BBJ j era, and tbo publlo generally, lend in BBJ auch Items of news as may come under BB I tbolrobiorratlon, sjcb as births, deaths, BB j marriages, golugs and comings, etc. Bfl H. Many things transpire that we may over- BB I 1 look, hence we ask you to assist us In BBJ I 1 this matter that wa may ba able to pub. BB jj j Ush a Li, the news. 1 '- troaipUT obtained In alt (wanlrlM, or No raa, 1 TaOI-MaRa,CTuB4C'opjnfbtiri " tereO. Sa Bk.lth, Model or HotJ. loFfc, ? report on fUentihuitr. all auaiMiaa I atfeioTLV oonnointaL. Patent nneuoo BBBb J arrlnelrelr. KorpaaeUif rerereneet. eaaaaaaj 'i wideawake Inrentore abould. bare our Band I bookonllowtooblalnandaellrtenu,Wbatta a TnUonawlUpaT.Mowtoiretapertner.anaM)ier H J Taluable Information. Kent trie to anjadonea. D. SWIFT & CO. BBI ft 501 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. BH j MBaVHMMBBHaf I j RAPPERS j 1 ) We print Butter Wrappers ! h with specially prepared ink at the BH f j following prices: H ; For 100 $ .75 BH j I For 200 1 05 : For 500 175 Hf For 1,000 2.50 I Garland Globe Office. BH K i rrwtUH DiaiQNa fif ''J,' .. , pOPVRIQHTl AC IIV, Hi 1 jtnroneanilln(aakatrhanddeterlPtlnnma anKlilr aauvruin our opinion free wLetkar aa j f ft , bffipsrtanW tJ h U ' Jt f anrr for aaArhcpatwta, aTaHf'I ' TaUuta takon tErouab Muun a Uo, rasatf BH!1 l I rU4noi, without ora, tatia Bf Scientific Hinericatt lf ; A handaomalr lllaatratad weekir. T-araaet alr. Mm 'K a aolaalon ot anr aatentlao lournaL 'ierme.fi. 1 I OWENS & CO., 'f ' lealort in Frash and Cured Meats and treed Ireeeriet. Fish and Game in Season. Cattle and Hogs lought and Sold in CarloaJ Lets. B0 YOB SELL BUTTER? Tha yu mu u" Buttar Wrapper. 1 mv iw jcll, phi lent Th form Comple, wllh lh. Uwl price is ounces GARLAND .7 SEPARATOR BUTTER Inn"" ll'll MRB. Wm. KINO) GLOBE i.ooS::::wi ilaWd,'::..utah office i 0- J. CAMPBELL notary public ni garland, . . . utah INSURANCE AQENT I PEARL SALOON.. 'MM ! Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars i I Hear the Electric Piano in all the Latest Selections I A. . MANASA, Proprietor. OARLAND, UTAH. MOaiAH IVANS, Praaldant. IDAS A. SMITri, Vloa Praildtnt t M. D. EVANS, Caahlar. DIRECTORS M08IAH EVANS, IDAS A. SMITH, W. W. NITER, TH08. R. CUTLER, GEO. ROMNEY, GEO. T. ODELL, JOHN C. CUTLER, HORACE a. WHITNEY, W. R. VAN FLEET. THE BANK of GARLAND SSS INCORPORATED tZBani Transacts General Banking Business I Exchange, drawn on the prmoieal cities ef the United I States and Europe. 1 H Open i Savings Account with us in your youth and rl I provide for old age. H SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. I THE GARLAND CLUB I ' ' eph coombs, Proprietor Choice Wines, Liquors Garland, Utah...-. and Cigars Billiard and Pool Room in Connection. IJ.W. LEWIS, THE JEWELER I For Fine Rings, Watches, Clocks, Cut Glass and Jewelry. I y Plrst Class Repairing a Specialty. Rlter Bros. Block, Garland. THE PALACE BARBER SHOP j E. L Murvin, Prop. Next to Club Saloon, Garland, Utah. Skariaf, Hair Cntlinj, Shampooing ana Mauafa. a , t n , E' Now Electric Manage Machine. Agent for Ugden Meant I Sanitary rolei itrlctl, obicnrtd. Laundry I I JOSEPH JENSEN I NOTARY PUBLIC. I GARLAND, UTAH. I JAPANESE RESTAURANT I I TOM NOGIMA, Meals and Lunches Served T I Proprietor at All Hours I A Good Place to Eat. Next Door East Club Saloon. RUBBER STAMPS grSl |