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Show President Approves Widening Canal Locks. Wnshlngton. Presldont noo3ovclt hns approved tho recommendation of tho Isthmian canal commission Indorsed In-dorsed by Secretary Taft, Increasing tho width of' tho locks of tho canal from ono hundred to ono hundred and ten feeL Tho president simply approves ap-proves tho recommendation for tho In-Crenso In-Crenso of tho width In tho locks, but makes no comment thereon. In a memorandum to Secretary Taft tho commission says tho cost of all tho locks at ono hundred feet wldo Is estimated esti-mated at $52,530,011, while a width of 110 feet will cost $57,C90,850, n difference dif-ference too small to bo considered, nssumlng tho necessity for tho Increased In-creased width to bo as stated by tho navy. |