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Show Box Elder Champions Win "Rub" Contest Victory Ours In 3 Out of 5 Rrlgham Meet Defeat on Their Homo Ground With Three League Pro-fcssionals Pro-fcssionals In Their Line-up. Oar land' fiugar Hoys Not Relng Satis fled With Strawberry Preserves, Mko Raspberry Jam out of Them Garland went to Rrlgham Saturday, July Mtb,.to play tbo "rub"- game with Rrlgham and won out to the tune of 7 to 2. Drlghaiu evidently had no confidence in their own team a they accural the services of three member of Hie Ogden State Luagun Team, vlx: Dad Oiiiilln, Illcxrud and Mem. Kven with this aid they never came within ahoutlng distance of the Garland boys, who played their straight team, every member of whom was determined to win this game or die In the attempt. Dad Gimlln of the Ogden Og-den team stated that we have one of the best amateur team that he hits seen play and that our pltlicr. Mr. Lowe, could have a portion In hi nine any time he wished to pluy professional ball, liecausc of the brainy playing of his position and lib general nil around pitching ability. Garland certainly ran he proud of Its pitcher and proud tu know that lie Is a Garland boy not a Wlllard re.-ldent as some would make ytm believe. Hu ha made this city his permanent home for over two years, lie leave July 25 to fill a mission in Gt. Urlitlsn. The team sustains a great loo In bU rail to till thU mission, but realize tho fact that "pood meu are wanted everywhere." During his absence Mrs. Lowe will reside in this city. It would be hard to particularize any Individual tine playing as the boy played together like clock work, and deserved their game from start' to fliiMi. Although Keller strurk out IS of our boy, they made 16 safe hits, which Is the best but-ting but-ting the boys have done since the existence exist-ence of tlio team. Tho flcldlug was equally good, their belug but three errors made. The Hue up was as follows: DHIOHAM GARLAND Keller p Lowe Hern o Keathcrstone Gliuliu lb ' Wallis Illcxrud a b Fowler Tniclsnu Schsffer Jensen a b Evans Alien ) f Glcaxon Sackrtt m f v Van Leuvan Anderson r f Hall Scora by Innings: 18 3 4 5 8 7 8 U-Tntal Garland 00401000 2-7 Brlgbam 001000001 2 The defeat given Rrlgham .Saturday last by Box Elder's champions, Is suffl-cleut suffl-cleut grounds to do sonic crowing, aud It is especially phasing to note that Brig-hum Brig-hum went down to defeat on their home grounds and that, too, assisted by league players, while Gurlaud went to battle with Its home boy. Whenever Rrlgham plays its home teum, defeat is as sure to follow as the night, the day Tho Uox Elder News, In recent banc, advised the boya to remain at home aud not go outside of the city to play return games, stating that the substitutes who usually accompanied the teatn(-vlth duo respect tu them) were responsible, to some extent, for tbo defeat meeted to tbeir nine. Is Wester, Gimlln, Keller, Allen, Blex-rod Blex-rod and Ueru their home team? Whcru is Urlgh's team outside of these professionals? pro-fessionals? It seems to us that the mb-stitutcs mb-stitutcs spoken iif , Is about the extent of their players. Wrn U not for these sub stlmtes, who are all homo hoys and play ball with exceptionally good records, where would Brlgbam get oil at? Must Ogden, Meutus, Perry aud other cities of the itato ooums toBrlgbsui's uld lu ovcry game? Play your home boya Brig-be Brig-be m, and wis out llku Garland does. |