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Show I ITEMS OF INTEREST. Don't forget to rcnil tlio "iMiill Onlcr" Article oti pngu two of this Issue. Miss Mary Uowvn Is visiting relative and frlendii In flpnnhli Fork. Wines nnd Liquors for Medicinal pur poses at Ilitcr Htos Drug Store. J0-tf l' A Nordqulst returned the furo purt of tho week from n business trip to Og den. W R Vunflcct Las been appointed Jttstlco of tho 1'cnco for the Sunset pre-clnct. pre-clnct. Call 011 Joseph N. Stohl' nf Brlghnm City for your farm loans. Ho has the money nnd will treat you right. tf Mrs. Vornor Hobson of Ogden spent a few days, last week In this city tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert 11 Foulgcr. - Choice farming land Jn the best loca tlons of tho valley at a very low price and on the best of terms. See F D Welling . Mr. and Mrs. O W Hydo und daughter !, Arlluc rut u rued Tuesday evening from a ll two-weeks' visit In I'rovo and Alpine, J Utah. I Richard 0 Lambert, of tho Lambert Paper Co. of Salt Lake City, cave this 10 fllce a pleasant call Thursday whilo in town. Wm. Preston of tho Oarlnnd Mercantile Mercan-tile Co., spent tho foro part of tho week in Weston, Idaho, returning Wednesday evening. J T Lant returned 8unday evening from Payson, Utafi, where ha went to attend the funeral of his nclce, Miss IrettA Kerr. Miss Thorburn Murle returned Sunday evening from Cedar City, Utah, where ho has boen visiting relatives for the past thirty dayN. Ncphi Thompson of Plain City was In town a few days this week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. M Q Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. S II lilngham. B F niter of Logan, general manager of RItor Bros. Drug Co , spent Tuesday and Wednesday in this city on business conncctod with the drug store. tSf" 1. Wo havo some excellent samples of stock certificates at this olllce and can print ccrtlllcatcs for Incorporated firms. Call In and examine them. The Garland Commercial Club will meet in regular session at Hitcr Bros, block noxt Monday evening. March 25th. All members are requested to bo present. .7 W Garrolt, au employee of J F Owens meat market, returned Saturday from au extended visit with his wife and family at Wollsvlllo, Cacho County. Utah. Mrs. II C Vanausdcln and children loft Tuesday morning for Trcmont to visit a day or two prior to taking llnal Icavo for their future homo in Twin Falls, Idaho. Miss Violet Carter, who has boon spending the past few week In this city, returned to hur home in Brigham City Tuesday morning. She will leave tho fore part of next week for Ely, Nevada, to spend the summer, v Mrs, V D Lewis and children, also her eldest daughter, Mrs. .1 0 Olcason, left Thursday uftcrnoou for their future home iu Park City. Mr, Uleasou left , yesterday for tho same place whore he has secured permanent employment, J Bingham, formerly au employee of the meat markfit in this city, has gone to Suowvllle to go Into tho farming and ranching busluess. Mrs. Blggham left Monday for that pl-jflo whore they will make their future home. A II Archibald was In Brigham yesterday yester-day on hunlne&i, B .1 Trunin) left Wednesday morning for Salt Lake where he has secured a per-mntiant per-mntiant position. C W Lawrence, real estate and loan agent of Cotlnnu, was In town on business busi-ness yesterday. When making farm loans, call on .loseph N. Stohl of Brigham City; ho has money to satisfy all. tf -Airs Hojc A pgood of Salt Lako City, sister of Mrs. A H Capcner, is visiting In this city this week. Mr. and Sirs. M darn and Mr. and Mrs Dan Oaru of Fielding were the guests of Mrs. A 'I Capenur Thursday. Howard Evans went to Salt Lake Tuesday, and with his sister, Miss Hazel Evans took In "Mndamo Butterfly." Mosiah Evans went to Salt Lako Tuesday Tues-day to attend the meeting of tho directors direc-tors of the Bank of Garland. He returned re-turned Thursday. Tho Garland Mercantile Co. havo began be-gan the erection of a fence on tho Main Street property that will shut In "duck pond" and keep mothers from worrying about their children falling Into it. Good. Geo. Clark of the Garland It F D postal pos-tal routo, returned Tuesday from n tour of the stato. During his absence ho has visited Preston, Ida., Logan, Ogden, Salt Lake, Bountiful, Farmlngton, Utah, and other places and reports having had n flue trip. Just as we went to press last week word camo from Montpelicr, Ida., that Mr and Mrs. Peter Hauck, parents of Mrs. J A U'lxom, had lost their homo and Its contents con-tents bv fire Evcrvthlnir went tin In smoke. Tho cause of tho fire could not bo learned. Miss Lucy Owens entertained a number num-ber of her young friends at hur homo last Saturday evening, about twenty guests bolng present. Tho evening was pleasantly spent in various parlor games. After partaking of delicious refreshments, refresh-ments, the Jolly crowd took In St. Patrick's Pat-rick's grand ball at tho Amusement hall. Mr and lira. Geo. F Bowcn, accompanied accom-panied by their son Georgo A and his wife, rctnrnnd the latter part of last week from Spanish Fork. While Mrs Geo. A Bowcn was visiting relatives In that placo, tho baby took sick and died and Mr. end Mrs. Bowcn and' Geo. A Bowen went down to attend the funeral services. |