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Show Ii Almost Regretted It. , When Johnny Larson was 14 years old ho had an attack of fovor, but It loft him deaf. The local physicians could afford lilin no relief, nnd ho applied ap-plied himself assiduously to learning tho deaf-and-dumb alphabet. The other members of tho family woro, of course, compelled to loam It, too, In ordor to bo nblo to converso with him. In tho course of a fow months, liowovor, Johnny's hearing suddenly enmo back to him, assisted, no doubt, by n slight' operation porformed by a now' auriBt who had Just como to town. "Oh, Jphnny," exclaimed his mo-tlior, mo-tlior, "Isn't It delightful to talk to us and hoar us again!" I "Yes," ho answered, ruefully; "but 3 Just think of ,Itl Horo wo'vo all j learned to 'talk with tho sign-language dud now wo can't uso It any, more!" |