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Show TRIBUTE TO ADMIRAL DAVIS. British Foreign Secretary's Opinion of Swettenham Affair. London. Tho Incident Involving Governor Swettenham of Jamaica and Boar Admiral Davis, U. S. N., enmo up In tho houso of commons Thursday Thurs-day In a hypothetical question by Jesso Collins, liberal unionist, who was In Kingston at tho time of tho disaster. Mr. Collins asked If It was in accordance with Intcruitlonnl law for an admiral of a forolgn couutry land nn armed fareo In British colonies colo-nies without permission or tho governor. gov-ernor. Foreign Secretary Gray suld: "No, aud I may add that no such rights wero claimed In tho Incident referred to. What I am convinced of Is that whllo In tho prcsenco of such n catastrophe there naturally was a certain amount of misunderstanding, misunder-standing, tho American admiral was Inspired by single-minded motives and a deslro to rcliovo suffering. Any other construction placed on his action ac-tion Is most unworthy and untrue." |