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Show TELEGRAPH OPERATORS STRIKE. Chicago Men Walk Out In Sympathy With Los Angeles Brethren. Chicago. The telegraph operators employed by tho Western Union In Chicago, went on strlko Thursday night nt 12 o'clock. Tho trouble wns prcclpltnted by tho Los Angeles strlko, which was begun two dnys previous. Tho local oxecutlvo board of tho Commercial Telegraphers union met nnd passed resolutions requesting tho men to refuse to work with non-union operators employed In I.oh Angeles. When tho men wero notlilcd ot this step ull operators employed In tho ovorland division of tho local olllco refused re-fused to work longer with tho nonunion non-union men on tho othor end of the wlro. After tho 200 men nnd four women quit work tboy gather In front of tho building whero tho telegraph olllco Is located and for half on hour filled tho nlr with cheers nnd whistles, but the police were given no cnuso for tho exercise ex-ercise of tholr authority. |