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Show CENTRAL AMERICA IS TIRED OF WAR Delegates May Meet in Washington to Sign Agreement for Permanent Perma-nent Peace in Southland. Agreement Would Carry Intervention Clause In Order to Prevent a Repetition Repe-tition of the Failure -of Past Conventions Between Little States Always at War. Washington. Most of tho representatives represen-tatives of tho Central American republics re-publics who remain lu Washington or vicinity, called upon Acting Secretnry of Stnte Hacon on Thmudny, this being be-ing diplomatic day, to talk Individually Individual-ly with him about the project for n general convention of delegates from their countt Ics In Washington to endeavor en-deavor to reach an agreement likely to result In permanent pence In that quarter of tho world. With all parties par-ties willing to outer upon such a conference, con-ference, tho difficulty uppenrs to Ho In tho unwillingness of any to tnko tho Initiative on account of personal pride. Knch of tho llttlo republics thinks that It hns a grlovnnco ngalnst Its neighbor nnd In tho nbsonce ol any apology ns n condition precedent to an International gathering, would havo tho other party mako the first advances. The state department here, supported In principle by tho Mexican government, Is extremoly desirous de-sirous of furthering this conference, but Is estopped from itself formally proposing a meeting by n fear that Ita motives might be misunderstood nnd It bo suspected of uolfjfth designs und j unwarrantable Intervention. It Is understood that all of tho ministers min-isters nro lu constant communication with their home governments upon this subject, and ns ono of them said, there is rensonnblo ground for hope thnt within a very short time, through nn exchange of notes or per-Imps per-Imps nn lnformnl personal mooting between be-tween the ministers here, nn agreement agree-ment can bo reached for thu convention conven-tion of tho delegates In Washington somo tlmu next winter. Thoro hnvo boen othor conventions between these countries looking to tho prcscrvntlon of tho pence, but all wero fatally defectlvo in lacking a compulsory compul-sory feature. So It hos been suggested suggest-ed that If another trenty Is drawn In Washington us tho outcomo of tho projected pro-jected convention, It shall clotho Am-orlca Am-orlca and Mexico with tho positive duty of Intervening in the Interests of peace in enses of disagreement that do not yield to treatment by tho ordinary or-dinary methods of dlplomncy. |