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Show BECOMING CIVILIZED. Honduras to Return to Constitutional Form of Government. Washington. Formal notice has been received from tho .provisional government of Honduras, that Sept. 1G next, the anniversary of thu political politi-cal Independence of Central America, has been set ns the date upon wlilcn Honduras will return to n constitu tional form of government, adopting tho provisions of the constitution of 1891. An election will tnko plnco lu October for n permanent president, and It Is understood that tho leaulng candidates aro CJencral Davila, ire.-l-dent of tho provisional government, and Dlonlsus (lutlcrlez, formerly a member ot tho cabinet and long prominent promi-nent In tho polltlcnl affairs of Honduras. Hon-duras. . Tho decision to return to a permanent perma-nent form of government was un-ioubtedly un-ioubtedly tho result of the refusal of the stnto department to recognize tho present provlslonnl government of Honduras upon nn application several weeks ago of Sonor Ugnrte, who :nmo to Washington for that pur poso. Tho department's reason was that recognition of provisional governments gov-ernments of this kind tended greatly to stimulate efforts nt revolution In Central America. |