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Show I Special Excursion East. Rcglnlng July 18, tho 0.8. 1.. Ky. will give a rate of (.no fnro plus t'2 for round trip to all points cast. Sue local agent for full portlculars. JiiOtf H "Everybody ISacLld Kujw" aays C. G. Hajb, u prominent business H man of Bluff, Mo., "that Ducklens Aril Ar-il nlca Salvo la tho quickest nnd surest Wt A. bcaling aalvo over applied to a noro, x bum or wound, or to n case of piles. H I've used It and know what 1 um talking about." Guaranteed by Rlter Orotbers drug storo. 2Ec. I'll stop your palu free. To show you first before vnu spend s penny whate ( I'inV 1. 1 n Tablets can do, I will unll you free, atrial pnekrgo of thorn Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets. Neural-gla, Neural-gla, Headache, Toathaeho, period pains, etc., are dun alone to blood congestion. Dr Shoop'a, Hendncho Tablet simply kill pain by eonxlng away the unnatural blood pressure. That is all. Address Dr. Shoop, Itaclno, Wis. Sold by all dealers, Frco, for Catarrh, junt to provo merit, a trial size box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh ltemedy. Let mo send It now. It Is a snow-white, creamy, healing, antiseptic halm. Containing such healing Ingru-dicuts Ingru-dicuts as Oil Kuciillpttts, Thymol, Menthol, Men-thol, etc., it givea Inslunt aud lasting relief re-lief to Caturrh of thu uoso nnd throat. Make the frco test and sco foryourse'f what this preparation can and will accomplish. ac-complish. Addrcts Dr. Shoop, Itacinu Wis. Large jars SO cents. Sold by all dealers. Probate and Guardianship Notices. Consult County Clerk or tho respective respec-tive signers for further information. In the District Court of the First Judicial Judi-cial District, iu uud for the County of Box Killer, State of Utah. Notion To Creditors. In tho matter of thu estate of John Hassull, deceased. Creditors will present claims, with vouchers attuched, to the undersigned at his ollku In ltlter Bros. Illuck, Uur-land, Uur-land, Utah, ou or beforu the 30th day of September, A. D. 1007. J. W. Lewis, Administrator of tho estate of John iluiscll, dcaceascd. ' J D Cull. Atty. for administrator. Date of 1st publication Aug. 10, 1007. The Limit of Life. Tho most eminent medical scientists scient-ists aro unanimous in tho conclusion that the gonornlly accepted limitation limita-tion of human llfo Is many years bo-low bo-low the attainment posslblo with the mlv.'uico'H knowledge of which tho rncu In now possessed. Tho critical period, thut dotormlncs H duration, seems to bo botwoeu 50 and 00; tho propor euro of tho body during thin decado cannot bo too strongly urged: carolcssncHH then bolng fatal to long ovlty, Naturo'B best holpor after 60 Is Electric Blttoru, the scientific tonic medicine that revitalized every organ of tbo body. Gunrunteod by Ultor Brothers drug store. COc, To Out Friends AND Patrons: IraM On and, after Aug. 15. we arc going- to put our business on u Strietly Cash ; Basisl, I Wc can sell, .you goods much cheaper on these terms and give far better satisfaction, to all. We will, pay the highest market price for eggs, chickens,' butter and all kinds of produce. Just give us a chance on thb new system and sec if we can't save you from $5 to $10 a month on your bills. (( ' THIS WKKK'8 QUOTATIONS: Eggs, per Dotcn 'M cts. Butter, Sep. per 111.... 8fi ct. Chickens, old .. 35 rts. Cldekens, kpring 2SW rt , Thanking all our friends and patrons for their liberal patronage '" in the past and soliciting a t continuance of the same under our new system,,-we are, yours to please, , il Boothe Mfer. EL Produce Co.. I M4t-f-f4l?rWHEKE YOU GET THE BEST-f4--4-f-M-- KILL the COUCH and CURE THE LUNC8 w Dr. King's New Discovery rnn CONSUMPTION Price FOR I OUCHSwd SOo&SI.OO w" V0LD8 Free Trial. Guaranteed for all THKOAT and LUNG TROUBLES, or DCONKY BACK. E. V. Schneider, Dealer in Fine Candies, ! Ice Cream, Soda Water and HOME-MADE BREAD Garland, Utah Blacksmithing - HORSE-SHOEING, AND GENERAL REPAIRING Neatly and Promptly Done. .At the P. A. Nordquist Shop Ju.-.t South of the Globe Ofllco. CaTWo Guarantee Satisfaction. WINES nnd- Liquors for Medicinal puroses at Rlter Pros V)rug Store, tf CrVOCfnrmlngland in the best k-cations k-cations of tho vnlloy. at a very low price & on the best of terms.' Sen F I) Wellltig, For'aa Impaired' Appetite. - To Iraprovo tho nppotlte and Btreng-then Btreng-then tbo digestion (ry a few dosca of Chntnbcrlnin'H Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr. J. H. Seltr, of Detroit 'H Mich., says: "They restored my np-petite np-petite whea Impaired, relieved mo of a bloated feeling and caused a pla- ant nnd satisfactory movemont of the bowels." Price 25 centH. Samples free. Rlter Bros, drug store. I Rewari er'Duty.- ' " H At the end of life's brief day we s nhall be rev. anted, not according to the work we lmvo d(iue,' but toyth ' ,faltltfulncs with which we. hf re. been ' f cndeavorlus tn do our daty In twbat-' evor spbcrtv Rev. F., U.'Meyer. Vjl " Wo would be pluas;d to have our read- ! em, and thu public; generally, .send in such it ci ns of news as may come under their observation, such as births, deathf, ' marriages, goingn .tnd-toomlnga,' etc.. Many things truncplre that we inijy over- look, heuen wo ask you to uMUt nr. In tills matter that, wo may bo ahle'r to pub , llsli am, the news. : : ' Summer! I ARE. YOU PREPARED FOR IT? I WE ARE I By filling up our shelves with Hats, Shoes, Dress I Shirts, Neck Ties Hosiery, Dry Goods, .'Rihbons( I Laces and Embroidery. I EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR SUMMER WEAR f S Also something NICE in fit Candies, NutSfPopcorn, Cracker-Jacks, Etc., Etc. . We Guarantee Prices lo be as Low as the Lowest, 'Notwt"hs1aoiing L the advance in' nearly everything. , X ' X X J CCall and Give Us A Trial.j - Garalnd Mercantile ;Co., I WW. PRESTON, Manager, Oarlund Utah Owing to the enormous increase in our Mercantile Department, it becomes neces- npi- CAll1lYit Pnttinattv 1 B MI",5s ) Sary f0r u to close dwwn our Studio after September 1st, 1907, so as to make room I "v rUUIgCr LUUlPdliy, 1 H I 1 J I J for tne many goods arriving daily. X X X X X X Yours for I H 1 Our Studio will reopen; aboMt March 1st, t'flOS. . Respectfully Yours, HONEST 600DS-Tr I J Ll II jl m- - -' M |