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Show H Paint j wr YOUr Fon g x)cth Juat think, we maku it pos-sible pos-sible for you to make a new bug-Hj bug-Hj gy out of your old one for the Hj: small sum of SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS j The paint is mixed all ready for use, -so any one can put it It is made of, the best ma-( ma-( terials and will not peel or crack the first time the sun shines on it. It has a glass-like varnish finish that will stand exposure. Drop in and we will tell you Hiore about il and we'll fhow you color cards so you can make HHh, your selection Rlter Bros. Druo Co. K. Logan and Garland, Utah, Franklin, Preston and Montpelier, B1 ( pot Sale! I will sell my homo In Ilrigham City corner Main and nth South streets to anyone desiring a good home In that city. Corner lot, K-ucro orchard , 4-room house, water and electrtc lights, good cellar, ete. A tine business location. Call ou or wrlto J. A. ArVixOlTl Garland, Utah ptfdit & VEGETABLES FOH CHOICE Tomatoes, Water .Melons, Cantaloupes, Cabbage, Corn, Potatoes, etc., Ami jtll kinds of Fruit and Vegetables, CALL ON THE Stacey Orchard Co., AT KLWOOD Wo aro located 18 miles nearer JJiun Brlgham aud can furnish you any or tho abrtvo nt tho LOWEST MARKET PHICE. Give Us A Trial. JOSEPH KNUDSON, Mngr. E. V. Schneider, General Blacksmithing and Horse Shoeing a Specialty 1 Agent for Washing Marhlno Motors and Electric Flut-lrous Garland, - Utah Just Published ZIon: Her Gates and Temple, a new book with colored plates aud descriptive verso for each picture by Utah and Colorado Col-orado poets. Tho Illustrations aro from original photographs by Mr. Charles H. Savago of Salt Lako City, and the color reproductions aru Iu soft tluts, having a water-color effect. Prominent among tho contributors arc: .Josephine Spencer of the Deseret News, Sirs. Ilattlo C. Jon-sen Jon-sen of Salt Lake City, Itutli May Fox of Salt Lake City and Walter Juan Davis of the Denver Post: Tho publisher believes be-lieves that tho Mormon people will glvo their kindly support to this work, as It insure to appeal to friends In tho cast or abroad tint aru Interested In Utah's biculc attractions. A hitherto unpublished unpub-lished portrait of Brlgham You 11c Iu sepia tint Is one of several full pugo Illustrations, Il-lustrations, Price 75 Cents. Frank S. Thayer, Publisher, Denver, Colorado. A First-Class agent wauted In 0 very Countv, Liberal Terms. Address the Publisher. ! WjHITE - KljNG A Sewing Machine that is all adjusted ou "Ball Bkauinoh," and is the Lightest Runuer on the Market. ASK W- 1 X to sco them and use ono a week on trial. TRY ' ' ' tho Hotary Shuttle, tho only Machine Ma-chine with tho shuttle making a complete rovo- lutlon. Yours for rciablo goods, B. H. CLAYTON, Garland, Utah Agricultural College of Utah "UTAH'S GREAT INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL." iaaaalaaRralllRpi6iaPll9R aaaaaalaaallNaaaBMRh . PHEPAIIES MEN AND WOMEN FOH SUCCESS ,IN LIFE. Learning Is werltb to the poor, an honor to tho rich, au aid to tho young, a support nud comfort to tho aged. Bacon. COURSES OF STUDY:- 1 AGRICULTURE- g-ronomy. Horticulture. Animal Indtutry. Vetor- ENGINEEKINO-rMechanlca, Surveying", Deitgnins-, Irritation. Saw. Inary Science, Dairying-, Irrigation and Pralnaa-e, etc. erago, Ilydraulica, Itoaila and Pavemcnta, ete. DOMESTIC SCIENCE AND AUTS-Cooklng- and Domeatlca, Senlta- COMMKRCK-Uuelneae Admlnlitrntlon. Accounting-, DanWInjr, Trana- don, Hygiene, Sewing. llouwhold Economic, Etc portatlon, Commercial Law, Stenography, etc MECHANIC ARTS-Carpcntry. Forging, TatUm Making. Carriage GENERAL BCIENCE-Comprlalng EnglUh. MathomnUca, History, Ilulldlng, Foundry Work, Machlnu Work, etc Economic. Modern language!. Natural and Phyaical Ecloncca. etc COURSES at alao offered I? Mujlc, Art. I'hyalcal Training anil Library Work. IT IS IMPORTANT Before you decide which school to attcud that you consider carefully tho opportunities offered by tho AGItl-CULTURAL AGItl-CULTURAL COLLEGE OF UTAH Its strong faculty, modern courses of study, splendid equipment, moral atmosphero and healthful environments; also tho low expenses and tho uniform nnd splendid success of its studcuts Twenty bulUllnga. provided with the beat modern equipment: llvo stotk, tarraa. crcharde. ganlena. jiarade grounda. and athletic neld-theae afford xeentional facllltlea for thorough and efficient work, A atrong faculty of axperta, lepreaer.ting the beat InaUtutiona ol America and Europe, are In charge of the work ol Instruction and experimentation. No tuition. Entrance tnii. College open Sept. !. Write now for IlluatraUd ca ilogue. ADDRESS THE REGISTRAR, AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, LOGAN, UTAH. COMMENCES Monday, Aug. 25. Everything in our large line of Spring and Summer Goods goes at from 25 to 50 per cent discount. We must have the room and not the goods, Note the following cuts: Ladies' Shirt Waists: were $1. 25, now 88c. Ladies' Silk and Cotton Gloves all colors; 40 and 50c values at 20c. Our entire line of Summer Goods sold below first cost. Don't miss our Bargain Counter. Sale will continue until the last article is sold. GROVER, ROSE & CO. CST Where tho Teams Stop."a t'WSlSttftaSS We are Here 3 Times a Year Au:xANui!ii-Dmiiu:r. Optical Co., - Atlas IJlock, - Salt Lake City . PLEASE REMEMBER!! H HHH WE WILL ALWAYS GIVE YOU AS LOW A CASH PRIGE mmammBmmtmmBmsmmmmmmamBmBmmsmmmmammmmmma As anyone else in the State - Qjp Ljfjl iFurni'ure, C.irpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Ranges, Stoves, Granitevvare, Etc., Etc. J"WE DO BUSINESS BfBuVull valuo for your money jinaranteedJEJ StoM Bros. Furn. Co. Tremont I' tab VISIT BRIGHAM CITY Peach Day Sept. 19th, 1906. You can get all the good rlpo Peaches you can cut. Your every want will ho satislled. A ltoynl good time guaranteed. Kporth aud Dancing nil day long. Special Itatcs ou all Railroads. Program will ho puhllshcd later. 1 BRING 1 I Y0UR . 1 1 FAMILY ' I 8 And Have a v ' I I ' ' ..R IDE.. I is s On the improved riding gallery. Machine starts running II nt 5 o'clock every evening including Sunday. j'J i JAS. McBRIDE, Proprietor. - Garland, Utah. Town Board Meeting The Hoard of Trustees of the Town of Garland met In regular scsslou Tuesday night, Sept. 4th, with President I.ant iu tho chair. Trustees Edwatds, Secrlst and Jensen wero present. After the clerk had been instructed to hsuo war-1 rants iu payment of sundry bills, tho report of thu committee on gravel pit was called fur, but owing to the nbucncu of Trustee Vauausdelu, cliairman of this committee, tho matter was left open for Investigation and cousldatlon. Thcer committee which was appointed to lu-vestlut" lu-vestlut" th'1 nnttcr of lK-use paying was also granted more tlmo In which to j mnko report. 9 ' Trustee YAv ards advised that owing to tho absenco of Dr. Fruucke, ho had been unable to tako up tho mutter of remuncrotlon of town physician, but would maku an effort to ho prepared to reportat next regular session. Au extension exten-sion was grouted Trustee Edwards until next meeting to make this report. Tho marshal's monthly report was presented, considered aud accepted, The marshal was authorized and Instructed to have tho town building thoroughly cleaned, purchuio hlluds for tho windows win-dows aud to put tho building lu ilu.po j for use. |