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Show I' Cruising, for Derelicts. Thfj excellent work In doBtroylng a dangorous derelict last week, begun by tho Tacomn and completed by tho Columbia, gives renewed point to tho suggestion hitherto mado In theso columns thnt vossols of tho navies of tho world might with peculiar profit bo employed in tracking and destroying destroy-ing tho abandoned hulks which dot tholscas and which present, ono of the one of tho most serious dangors to navigation, says tho Now York Tribune. Trib-une. Of tho need that derelicts shnu bo destroyed as speedily ns possible thoro can bp no quostlon. Many . known accldonts and disasters havo I boon due to tlje.rn, and thoro Is rca- j son for supposing that many, porhaps most, of tho mysterious disappear-i disappear-i ances of vessels might truly bo ex plained on tho ground that thoy had comb into collision with thaso wan-dorlng wan-dorlng dostroyors. Carrying no lights, making no noise, giving no signal of any kind, often lying bo low In tho wator as to bo scarcoly porccptlblo, and heavy and solid almost against I which a vessel can scarcoly bo guard ed In tho dark and collision with I , which Is always sorlous and often I disastrous. |