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Show OUTLOOK GROWS DARKER. Uprising In Santiago Province Causing Caus-ing Much Concern in Havana. Havana.Tho situation Is far dark, or than at any previous tlmo slnco tho Insurrection broko out. News of an uprising In Santiago privlnco Is spreading about tho otty and causing tho gravest concern. Tho extent ot tho rising in Santiago Is not known, but It la tho opinion hero that tho worst calamity of all to tho Palma government would bo an Insurrection In eastern Cuba. Tho Associated Press was Informed by two rollable eyewitnesses eye-witnesses that Cardenas, which hitherto hith-erto has been considered a perfectly poaccful city, was the sccno of desultory desul-tory fighting between pollco nnd rural gunrds on tho ono sldo and roving insurgents in-surgents on the other. Tho only provlnco remaining perfectly per-fectly peaceful is Puorto Prlnclpo. Americans having great cattlo interests inter-ests thero nro npprohenslvo lest It, too, bocomo tho flold of Insurrectionary Insurrec-tionary operations. |