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Show Her Secret Out. Robort Watchorn, tho commissioner of Immigration, has. made ,a .sympa., thetic nrid thorough study of the immigrant im-migrant types that roach Now York. Discussing theso types tho other day, he said;, "Tho most naive aro the Qormans from tho smaller and re-? motor states. Thoy have tho charm-' Inglyl slmplo and .quaint minds of children. chil-dren. A beautiful Gorman" girl disembarked dis-embarked hero tho other day. She wns tall and strong,, blue-eyed, jind , yollow-halrcd. Sho wanted to know" at onco If thoro woro any letters for her. Tho postmastor nt tho pier, after getting hor name, said, by way of a Joke: 'Is it a busliiessjyr a Iovd Jettor , that you expect?' Tho girl faltered: "'A, business letter.'-' , i f ' , '"Well, thero's nothing hdro.' said the man nftor looking over tho assortment. assort-ment. ,k -nu i "Tho girl hcsltatod. Thon, blushing as red ns n rose, sho said: 'Would you mind just looking among th lovo letters now, sir?' " .... . t |