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Show PHYSICIAN SAYS Children Thrive on Grape Nuts and Cream. A Mass. physician has found a euro for constipation In children citing lltteon cases by feeding thorn Grape-Nuts. Grape-Nuts. "Somo tlmo ago," ho writes, "I bo-camo bo-camo Interested in your food, Grapo-Nuts, Grapo-Nuts, as n euro for constipation In children. Having trlod It in my own family, I havo advised It In fifteen cases In which nil suffered with constipation con-stipation moro or less sovoro. Tho ro-sult ro-sult hna been absoluto relief In all. "I write this that other children may bo bonolltcd." I low much bettor It 1b thus to bring about a healthy action In tho bowels of growing children by natural moans, than to feed them with impropor food, roqulrlng somo kind of cnthartlc at Intervals to ovorcomo constipation. Grapo-NutB gives energy to tho ontlro on-tlro uorvous systom Including tho norves thnt causo tho natural contraction con-traction nnd rolaxatlon of tho bowol muscles, that propel tho food mass along. It Is prodlgcBtcd also, and tho blood easily absorbs tho food as It goes through tho body, storing up vitality nnd forco for tho functions of all tho organs. Children especially, should got tho right Btar ns to habits of living. Thoy Bhouhl grow Into bright, strong, cheorful men and womon. Grapo-Nuts aolvo tho question of tho start; a wholosomo nppotito will do tho rest. Children's tooth nro bcnofltod by chowlng Grapo-NutB, also. Your dont-1st dont-1st will toll you that a cortaln amount of oxorclso in chowlng firm food, is necessary to grow strong, bountiful tooth. Tooth need oxorclso just tho samo na muscles, If thoy nro to grow strong nnd firm as nnturo Intended. Urnpo-Nuts gives tho oxorclso and also gives material from which good tooth aro mado. "Thoro'a n reason." nead th llttlo book, "Tho Road to wllvlhv. -" pkgs. |