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Show ELOQUENCE OF CHILD. It Moved a Convention of Journalists at Denver. Denver. To tho eloquence of an elght-yenr-old girl Birmingham, Ala., owos tho fact that tho International League of Press Clubs will hold its next annual convention thoro. Sho Is ill B v UrA SELENE ROUNTREE. (Charming Little Mist Who Secured Convention for Southern City.) llttlo Miss Seleno Rountreo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Rountreo, of Birmingham. It wns near tho close of tho convention conven-tion of press clubs In Denver that tho llttlo girl mndo herself famous, at least among tho newspapor fraternity of tho country. Birmingham and Omaha were pitted against each other oth-er for tho convention. Mr. and Mrs. Rountreo and their two children, Seleno Se-leno and a boy 11 yoars old, wore tho solo representatives of tholr city. When time for tho voto camo Mr. Rountreo was not In tho convention hnll nnd could not be found. "Ib there no ono hero who can speak for Mr. Rountreo?" inquired the president. pres-ident. Thoro was no answer. Somo ono suggested that Mr. Rountreo's son tako his father's placo, but tho boy was too timid. The llttlo girl, realizing realiz-ing that Birmingham was about to lose the convention, arose In tho midst of tho assembly of nearly 300 delegates, nnd said sho would speak for her father, Sho was escorted to the stage and began: "My father cannot bo found. I arc bore to speak for him. We want you all to como to Birmingham next year. Wo enn promise that you will receive-a receive-a royal welcome.' g That was all sho said, but it was qulto enough. Shu was literally carried car-ried from tho stago by some of tho delegates. When the vote was taken It was Unanimously for Birmingham, Selene Rountreo's father and mother moth-er nro both JournullBts, well known In the south. They are genuine southerners south-erners and their children speak tho musical accents of the southland. |