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Show Tho new Pure Food and Drug Law will mark it on the label of every Cough Cure containing Opium, Chloroform, or HBj any other stuptfying or poisonous drug But it passes Dr. Shoop'a Cough Curo us made for SO years, entirely free. Dr. Shoop all along has bitterly opposed tho use of all opiates or uorcotlcs. Dr. Shoop'a Cough Curo is absolutly safo even for tho youngest babe and it cures, Hb it does not simply suppress. Got a safo nnd reliable Cough Cure, by simply in-slstlng in-slstlng on having Dr. Snoop's. Let the B law bo your protection. We chce'rfully recommend and sell it. All dealers. fllO S1U Mora of Chambatlaln'a Couth Rmdr than of All OUwra Put Togather. Mr. Thos. Qcorgo, a merchant at Mt. Elgin, Ontario, says: "I have had the local agency for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy over slnco it was introduced into Canada, and I sell as much of it as I do of all other lines I havo on my shelves put togcatber. Of the many dozens sold under guarantee, I have not bad ono bottle bot-tle returned. 1 can personally recom-mend recom-mend this medicine as I havo used it myself and given it to my children and always with tho best results." For sale by RIter Bros Drug Store. O. .S L. TIME TABLE FtiMniw No. S3 Passenger No. 31 -south aouNn- north sound- Lv Malad TilS am Lv Brigham 6:10 p m Lv Garland 8:0 am Lr Corinnt 820 p re Lv Tnmont 8:J am Lv Tramont 6:iS p m Lv Corinna t-M am Lv Garland 6S p m Ar Drlshua ItUtin Ar MaUd 8:30 p m Connect! with Cacha Connect with Cache Valley train No. 11 for Valley train No 11 from Olden and Salt Laka. Orrian ami Salt Lake. MIXED TRAIN. North Bound. Leaves Ogden 8:ao a. m. " Brigham 9:55 a. m. " Corinne 10:10 a.m. " Tremont,. .. 10:52a. m, " Garland ....11:20a.m. Arrives at Malad i :oo p. rn. South Bound. Leaves Malad 1 :2o p. m. " Garknd 3:25 p.m. " Tremont 3:40 p.m. " Corinne ....4:30 p.m. Brigham 4:55 p.m. Arrives at Ogden 6:35 p. m. F. F. Gross, Local Agent Garland.. ; Utah tTTTTTTTT TTT TTTTTTTttTTT Tt LOCAL MAILS. MAILS ARRIVE, From South ".35 a.m. j 7:00 p.m. MAILS CLOSE Gome South j 8,15 A' m' u b kJUUU 3:10 p.m. STAR ROUTE. Mails arrive from Penrose and way at 10:30 a. m. Mails leave tor Penrose and way at 11.50 a. m, Office hours from B a. m, to 6 p, m. Eva C. Wilcox, Postmaster, Prevcntlcs, as tho namo implies, prevent all Colds and Qrlppo when "taken at the sneeze stage." Proventlcs are toothsomo candy trblcts. Prevcntlcs dissipate all colds quickly, and taken early, when you first feel that a cold Is coming, they check and prevent thorn, Proventlcs arc thoroughly safo for chll drcn, and as effectual for adults. Sold and rccommonded in 5 cont and 25 cent boxes by all dealers. n 10 This office has been mado a collection agency for the medical work entitled MEDICOLOOY. Those who havo con. tractcd for tho book should make theii egular payments hero and got their ro celpts N. L. Brown, Contractor & Builder Estimates and Material furnished for all kinds of buildings. Phone No. 18-1 Garland, Utah tllilHIHIIIHHUHHIII por Sale! We will sell a homo in Brlgbam City corner Main and nth South streets to anyone desirluga good homo In that city. Corner lot, M-acro orchard, 4 room bouse, water and electrte lichts, good cellar, etc. A fine business location. Call on or write Lee & Dunn, Brlgbam, Utah. Real Estate, Loans ' insunrace. Will sell your land, will buy you a home, will insure your property, K will loan you money. If you want to buy or sell, call on or address H. C. Vanausdeln, or C. J. Campbell, GARLAND, - UTAH. New Fall oods A New Fell Line of Up-to-Date 1 Ladles' Pumish-Suits, Pumish-Suits, Hats, Coats and Millinery Goods jntlS MillinerV JUST OPENED UP j Dres's Goods Call and examine tho goods and get first cholco j Notions. Prices Reasonable 2X MliriP PORTEJt BLOCK. jffjtfjffjttjffjm "Ul IC, OAKLAND, UTAH. llFtFlSFcWFi- The sign ot the . The "' fj(J ClOCk Sassef Restaurant is where you find Hcxt Door East of Boothe'i Jw I . Mrs. Ava Sassar, W. LeWIS, Proprietor. ...,., , . Regular Meals and Lunches are Served, Practical Watch-maker and gen- , , m , eral repairer. TU P1" ln Tho c1- Centrally Located. -Boothe Block- . . . ooc Garland Utah. Garland Utak. PRINTING "" "- tfaWcHbe for tH GLOBE &ro35 aoT QUALirT a help your Home Paper in Building up the Tow lySUBSOftlBB TO-DAY rm GIVE VS A TRIA.L ORDER. 1 1 1 1 1 - A J FIFE vv CLARK. The GarlanJ Livery FIFE & CLARK, Props. Ltrery, Feed .and Sale Stablei Up-to-Date Riggs at all Ilour SUne and Mules Bought and Sold I GarIflnd Utah Hack Meeta all Train t Dewyrfll PEARL SALOON OHOIOS WINKS, LIQUOKS AND 0TOAR8. TOOL AND BILLIARDS, Bsiav the Eleetrlo Waao la all tba latest selections. A. B. MAN ASA, Prop. Garland, Utah " BanSi of Garland (INCORPORATED.) nuccTonn W W R!tr, president, w w RItMi ThoBM n Thoma. R Cutler, Tlce-prcrt, '' : : l? GdIlo?"M; Qeo OdoU,- ' ; ; John R Cutler, Horace O Whit O. J. Campbell, cashier. ' ny. w D Lewis, Moslah ETan and Walter P Eaton. , 1 Transacts general banking business. Exchange drawn oa th principal cities of the Unite! States and Europe. Open a savings account with us in your yuth and provide for old age. Safety d 'posit boxes for rent, ( , The Garland Qiibj Eph Coombs,, Prop, j . Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigan , Billiard and Pool Room in Conoectioa. GarUni Utah. |