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Show SAYS ROPES ARE READY FOR FRISCO MISCRFANTS President Wheeler of California University Uni-versity 8ays People Will Stand Behind Heney, Even If Bloodshed Blood-shed Results. Los Angeles. "If we have mnny moro bad men In San Francisco wo mny havo to get rid of soma of them by means of tho scaffold!" exclaimed President Benjamin Ido Wheeler of tho University ot California in an address ad-dress hero beforo tho pupils ot tho Los Angeles High school. Continuing In refcrenco to this subject sub-ject in u porsounl discussion, follow-his follow-his address, President Wheeler Is quoted as giving uttcranco to these words: "Perhaps outsiders do not realize how desperate and bold the conspirators conspira-tors havo become. Nearly all self-respecting self-respecting men In tho city are behind Heney, yet he may bo overwhelmed. Those who are opposed to him nrc vindictive, vin-dictive, desperate, nnd no ono knows how strong. A cotorlo of men, myself Included, supplied him with what money ho needs to push tho investigation. investi-gation. People who havo taken un Interest In-terest In politics nro being driven to It by tho recent outbreak, tho like of which has not been seen since tho days of tho last vlgllanco committee. Knot's bold grab at tho district attorney's attor-ney's ofllco Is a practical admission ot guilt. Men, women and children In nil tho bay cities are hotly against him. Public feeling Is wrought to such n pitch that, should violcnco bo dono any of tho reform chiefs, I do not bo-llovo bo-llovo public Indignation would stop short of death of tho perpetrators. Heney is n bravo man. Ho woll knows every tlmo ho walks Into tho court room ho takes his llfo lu his hands. Wo stand by him." |