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Show THE EVER-HELPFUL POULTICE, Proper Preparation of This Useful Household Remedy. Bread and Milk Poultice Put one tnblcHpoonful of stale bread crumbr Into a gill of milk and let boll up onco Tako from the tiro and gradually Btti In n little glycerine or sweet oil, so as to render tho poultice pliable when applied. ap-plied. Hop Poultice. Poll one handful ol dried hops In half a pint of water un til the half pint Is reduced In a gill then stir In enough Indian meal tt, thicken It. Mustard Poultlee.-i This may be mado of equnl parts of ground mustard nnd flour mado Into a paste with warm water and spread between two pieces of muslin cloth or It may be made Into a paste by nixing the mustard with lard or butter. Linseed Poultice. Take four ounces of powdered linseed nnd grndually sprinkle it Into ono cupful of hot. wa ter. Ginger Poultice. This Is made Ilk n mustard, using ground ginger In place of the mustnrd. |