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Show A HAPPY I L0CK0UT He turned the knob of the door with the confidence born of habit. The door did not open. What waa the matter'' A horrible fear assailed hlni. He moved away slowly and walked Into the dining room. Seeing no one there, he ventuied Into the kitchen. There he found Mollle. On the table before her were two apple pies ready for tho oven and there were signs of others yet to bo made' "Mollle," he said "those pies havo a toothsome look." "They have or will have more than that." she answered, carefully looking nway from htm. "Hut I, wretched man that I am, shall never taste those pies! Mollle, tho blow has fallen. 1 am locked out of my room. I. .lolin Kverett Armstrong, Arm-strong, locked out for being five weeks behind in my board. Your esteemed aunt demands Immediate payment." "Well, aunt says that when she speaks to you about your Indebtedness you talk vaguely and lightly of expecting ex-pecting remittances thnt never como and then you go blithely on your way till sho speaks to you again." "You wouldn't havo a man go around In sackcloth because " "She's tired of It, sho says." "Well, Mollle, so am I, and" "When." interrupted Mollle. "you same down to dinner last night, evidently evi-dently uirayed for some social function, func-tion, she lost her patience entirely and declared that you should trample upon her rights no longer." "Sho felt that my elegant appear-nncc appear-nncc you know I looked well, Molllo accentuated my delinquencies. JiiBt like a womnn!" "I toll you, John, you may consider it great good luck that you didn't find your door locked last night when you got home." "I do so consider It. A man doesn't look pretty In evening clothes in the early morning hours. Seems Incon- "I Suspected It All the Time." gmoiis. Hut whnt Is to bo dono? Forty good hard dollars must I put Into yout mint's hnnd before I can tasto again her savory salads and break her excellent ex-cellent homo-made broad. Your aunt Is a lino cook, Molllo." "Sho doesn't cook," said Mollle, glv Ing n llttlo extra emphasis on the egg beater. "Hannah does tho meats and 1 look after the liner cooking." "I suspected It nil tho time," salo John, "but I wanted to bo sure. Say Mollle, nrcn't you getting tired of bo Ing pastry cook ami all-around assist ant In your aunt's select hoarding house?" "You know, John, how It Is. Father's death left me stranded and this is present food and shelter, mid 1 can cook," "Adorable girl, you can. How much more huvo you on your cooking list for to-day?" "Three lemon creams and some salad dressing." "You will not make them." "Who will pi event me?" "I will. I will defy your aunt. Wc will both defy her. We will hrenk out chains to speak metaphorically." "That sounds well for n man with no money, for u man expecting mythical mythi-cal cheeks nnd with his clothes under lock and key." "Who says I've no money lie asked exultlngly. "Who says that long-expected check Is a myth? Listen, llttlo girl, l'vo money to burn. My expectations expecta-tions had a good basis and this vory morning thoy hnvo come to realization. realiza-tion. I camo In to toll your respected relative about It couldn't wait till dinner time to pay all my Indebtedness Indebted-ness to her, to receive her blessing, and nslc you, Mollle "Say, Molllo, run up to your room and slip on that dear llttlo white frock you had on last night at dinner. You woro n dream In It. Then go with mo to tho minister. I'll sco to tho llcenso on tho way. Hurry!" "Hut tho pies, John!" "Hang tho pies or burn them! I don't enro which." "Hut to sneak off this wny!" "Wo'll tint sneak; I'll telephone for a enrriago, mi automobile, nn airship anything you suy to ho hero In ton minutes. Wo'll go forth then In tho eyes of nil tho world." "Lot mo save theso pies, John, boforo bo-foro wo go." Chicago Dally Nows. |