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Show PRIEST SUM II BOXER OUTBREAK Buildings of the Catholic Mission at Kanchowfti, China, Destroyed and One Life Sacrificed. Other Missionaries, Including the Americans and Their Families, Are Safe Troops Now on Hand to Protect Lives and Property of the Missionaries. Shanghai. The news has been received re-ceived here of another outbreak of Doxcrlsm, ns u result of which at least ono life has been lost. Details nre lacking, but tho story Is thnt an outbreak of lloxerlsin occurred at Kanchowfti, province of Kiugsl, anil that the buildings of the Catholic mission located at that place were totally destroyed. A French priest wns killed, hut the other missionaries, Including tho Ameilcans and their families-, are safe. Troops wero sent lo rostoie order or-der nnd protect missionaries. The station of tho China Inland mission at Kanchowfti consisted of two missionaries' residences, a chapel nnd two schools in charge of air. and Mrs. W. ai. Homo of Hnmllton, Out.: .Mr. nnd airs. George ainrshall of Chicago, Chi-cago, air. and airs. Hall of ICuglnnd, nnd It. W. I'orteous and .1. L. Howe ot Kngland. Tlio American headquarters of the China mission In 1'hllndclphln has no news of the trouble. The mission Is lnter-denomlnntlomtl. |