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Show li A MISSOURI WOMAN ; Tells a Story of Awful Suffering and ! Wonderful Relief. j Mrs. J. D. Johnson, of C03 West Hickman St, Columbia, Mo snys: "Following an operation two years ngo, dropsy set In, flBfx and my left side was k so swollen tlio doctor jH - WJI ln'' out 1,10 wntor' !' WtF Thoro was constant j 3S mr ,mln nn1 n b'tkHiib ' Xsdsrt! sensation nround my V'vi lioart, nnd I could not "'so my arm nbovo my head. The Kid- vc'.V ney notion Ana dlsor-dercd dlsor-dercd nnd pnssnfics of tho secretions too frequent. On tho ndvlco of my husband I hereon uslnp Dorm's Kidney Pills. Slnco usInB two boxes my trou-Wo trou-Wo has not reappeared. This Is won-dcrful, won-dcrful, after sufforins' two years." Sold by nil dealers. CO cents u box. Fostcr-Mllbtirn Co.. Iluffnlo, N. Y. I In a Pinch, Use ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE A powder. It cures painful, smart 1 1 Ing, nervous feet and Ingrowing nails. It's tho groatcst comfort dlscovory ol i tho ago. Makes new shoes easy. A ' certain euro for sweating feet. Sold by all Druggists, 2Gc. Accopt no sub-l' sub-l' stltuto. Trial package, FItKR. Ad- I dress A. S. Olmsted. I,o Roy. N. Y. Hi! The Evolution o! ' Household Remedies. k The modern patent medicine busl- Hl aess Is the natural outgrowth of the HjU old-time household remedies. Hi In the early history of this country, l EVERY FAMILY HAD ITS HOME- Hj MADE MEDICINES. Herb teas, ; bitters, laxatives and tonics, were to be i found in almost every house, compound- ed by the housewife, sometimes assisted by the apothecary or the family doctor. I Such remedies as plcra, which was H 8 Ioes and quassia, dissolved in apple K brandy. Sometimes a hop tonic, made Hj of whiskey, hops and bitter barks. A Kj acore or more of popular, home-made 11 remedies were thus compounded, the ) formulae for which were passed along HV fromhouse to house, sometimes written, Kt sometimes verbally communicated, j' The patent medicine business is a natural outgrowth from this whole-some, whole-some, old-time custom. In the begln-nlng, begln-nlng, some enterprising doctor, im-H im-H pressed by the usefulness of one of these home-made remedies, would take it tip, improve it in many ways, manu-I manu-I facture it on a large scale, advertise it ' mainly through almanacs for the home, , and thus it would become used over a i large area. LATTERLY THE HOUSE- t'; HOLD REMEDY BUSINESS TOOK A MORE EXACT AND SCIENTIFIC FORM. Peruna was originally one of theso old-time remedies. It was used by the Mennonltes, of Pennsylvania, before it was offered to tho public for sale. Dr. Hartman, THE ORIGINAL COM-POUNDER COM-POUNDER OF PERUNA, is of Mcn-' Mcn-' nonlte origin. First, he prescribed it for, his neighbors and his patients. The sale of it increased, and at last he established a manufactory and fur-nished fur-nished it to the general drug trade. Peruna is useful in a great many climatic ailments, such as coughs, colds, sore throat, bronchitis, and catarrhal . diseases generally. THOUSANDS OF FAMILIES HAVE LEARNED THE USE OF PERUNA and its value in the treatment of these ailments. They ' have learned to trust and believe in Dr. Hartman's judgment, and to rely on bis remedy, Peruna. I Jusr Because 'Jfiu It storms- 'rZPt'1-, 'rZPt'1-, i dont conflnafTl?-, ' yourself ufiz&tfM n An .indoors rprrM . f(Q ' I PROVIDE . tB " , ( for your v F; ; . J ' J COMPORT l-t vr -J by wearing . U .IQ. Hi WATERPROOP , ' , OJLED CLOTHING SJl I HJ Every Oarmant f & 1 Ouaronleed W Bl 0ootS5?rfcl,,,y",r4 A bbbbHV''- LbbbbbbbbbbbbbHbV V bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb $30 California & Hot. Salt Lako Route, $30 California & Ret. Salt Lako Route, $30 California & Ret. Salt Lako Route, $30 California & not. Salt Lnko Route. $30 California & Rot. Salt Lako Routo. Mt'l. Wlnilow' Sootlilnr Syrup, far children ifetblne, fofttni the Rani, reaaeee to-l4mmtlo4,t!lTipln,eurci to-l4mmtlo4,t!lTipln,eurci wludcollu. ssctboltle- It's dlfUcult for a tight-fisted preacher to hold his congregation. Old Sofns, Backn of Chairs, etc., can be .lycd with PUTNAM FADELESS OYKS, fast, bright, durable color. Australians Will Go Back. Australia has arranged for the re! patrlation of 1,000 discouraged Australians Aus-tralians now ln South Africa. Take Garfield Tea in the Spring It will gave you many da) of headache, laniitude nnd general ill health. Thin natural laxn-tivc laxn-tivc purifieM the blood, clrniifcs the ny-tern ny-tern and etnhliliri n normal action of liver, kidneys and bowels. Famous Book Free. Every reader of thin paper can get free sf charge one rf Dr. Colfee'H famous books which tells of n new method by which persons nfllictcd with Deafness, Head Noises, Sore Kyps, Failing Sight from any cause, can cmo thcimclvcs at home at imall expense. Write a letter immcdialclv to Dr. W. O. Coffee, 300 Century llldg., Des Moines, la. Deafness Cannot Be Cured br local ppllcattoni, Ihrr cannot reach the die-aied die-aied portion of the ear. There ! only one war to cure deafncii.and tnat Itbr conitltutlonal remedlee. Deafneu la earned bjr an Inflamed condition of the mucout lining of tha Eustachian Tube. Wbeathti tube It Inflamed jua nare a rumbling tound or Imperfect Im-perfect hearing, and when It U entirely cloied, Deaf not I tha rnult, and unlen tha Inflammation can ba taken out and thli tube rcitored to IU normal condition, condi-tion, hearing will be deatroyed foreter) nine caaei out of ten are cauied br Catarrh, which It nothing but an Inflamed condition of tha mucout turfacea. We will Hire One Hundred Dollar for any cate of Deafnese (cauaed by catarrh that cannot be cured by Han't Catarrh Cure. Send for circular!, free. F. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold br nnnrglitt,73c. Take Han't Family 1'lllt f it conntlpatton. Mica Axle Grease J k lengthens tlio life of the II wagon on vo a horse- ln power, lima nnd tcm- 7l sbbb2 per. Ecst lubricant in In II JaWtu WOrltl contains II m J powdered mica tM which TT Av HHHbssV forms li J n lm) a smooth, iMjllJj liard coating on axle, and Kj reduces friction. M 1 1 If you want your outfit Mil I to last and earn money mvl while it lasts grease mil the axles with Mlea nil Axlo Grease. UJ STANDARD OIL COMPANY i.-rp.r.t4 SICK HEADACHE l : : i Positively cured by fADTCDO thoso Littio nils. I 0 They also relievo D1-. h trcs3froraDyspcpsla,li' ITTLE digestion anil Too llnnr y W r n Eating. A perfect rem-H rem-H IVEala ody for Dizziness. Nausea, PILLS. Drowsiness, Sad Taste jjjsj la tho Mouth, Coated fHH Tongue, Fain hi the Bide, Itokpid liver. Tney regulate tho Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SHALL PRICE. Ipadttd'cI Genumo Must Bear "tie rac-Simito sienaturo (I 1 REFUSE SUBSTITUTES WEIGHT AND. HEALTH THIN, NERVOUS PEOPLE NEED .1 THE TONIC TREATMENT. K Thla Woman Took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Gained Thirty Pounds and Has Boon Well Ever Since. How many women uud men too aro suffering from a general docllno in health which tho ordinary remedies seem mmblo to check I How many husbands hus-bands boo their wives wasting away, steadily Ios'.ur health nnd beauty, and aro power-legs to help I Consumption and othor germ diseases flud in theso dcbilltnted syntcms easy prey, for tho lowered vitality is unequal to- the task of fighting off tho Infection of theso diseases to which most of us nro almost dally ox-posed. ox-posed. Tho symptoms ludlcntfnfr tlio docllno which umy lmvo results so fatnl could scarcely bo better described than in tho statomeut of Mrs. William Mnnloy, of 02 Court street, Utlca, N. Y. Her caso is n typical one. Sho snys: "For six mouths nfter tho birth of my baby, I suffered from sick, dizzy head-nches, head-nches, which Boomed liko a rush of blood to my forohoad, just back of my eyes. Somo days they twitched so I could linrdly seo nnd black spots floated beforo them. Tlio least exertion brought on this sickness. My appetlto was poor and I was often sick to my stomach. "If I tried to work my feet soon became be-came swollen, paining mo terribly. 1 liad sinking spells nud grow palo and nervous. I was so tliiu that I woighed only 00 pounds. "Ono day when at tlio drug store to get licadacho powders I decided to try Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills Instead. I soon noticed that my hcadncho wns disappearing dis-appearing and my nerves gradually grow stronger. Tho pills gavo mo a hearty npixjtito nnd I now weigh over 180 pounds. I believo tho pills to bo tho best tonio nnd builder n woman can take, as thoy certnlnly helped mo when my condition was critical nnd I havo novor been seriously ill since." Tho great valuo of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills lies in tho fact that thoy actually mako new blood and this carries health nud strength to overy portion of tho body. Tho stomach is toned np, tho uervos nro strengthened, overy organ Is stimulated to do its work. If yon nro ill nud tho treatment you nro taking dors not enro you, wrlto for .proof of what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills havo dono in similar cases. Yonr druggist sells them or thoy will bo sent by mall, postpaid, on rccoipt of price, 60 cents per box, six boxes for $2.C0, hy tlio Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. MOT v j For PreserYin:,Purifyinsr and Beautifying the Skin, I Scalp, Hair, and Hands. Cutlrara Soap tomblnr a df Me ate medicinal, emol- I llent, tanatlve. antlwptlo iroirtlM derived from 5 Cutlcura. tho ere nt Hkln run-, ith tlin purett of aap- ft onaceou. InnreUletitn. and won rclrchlng ot Sower H EdnrS; Depot.: l)Ddon. 27 CharterhuusoBn.: l'arlj, F llui de Ca 1-aln: Aimralla. It. Townt A di Hyd- W Seri India. II. K. l'aul. Calcutta: rio. Africa, In- if Son. Ltd.. Cane Town, etc.: notion. 137 Columbus 19 Xve . I'otter iru A Chem. Corp.. Bole 1 ront. 1 tar-Mailed Kree. Jlow to ,1'rrauve. rurllir. and j a BMHal To oonvlnoo nny 1 1 II woman that I'm. Jj 1 afa HK WM M tluoAntlacpllo Will X. 1 i 3 i El Improve her health f i i H kk and tlo all na claim r ta avHurlti Wo wlll s nt her absolutely Jreo a largo trial I of l'axtlno with book ot Instructions Instruc-tions nnd fiemitno testimonial, bend your nutuo and address on a postal curd. DAYTIME- " fectlons, such as naal catarrh, jiolvlo caiarih and Inflammation caused by (emU nine tils l soro eyes, sorts throat and mouth, by direct local treatment Its curative cur-ative jiowcr over tlieso troubles Is extraordinary extra-ordinary and Rives Immediate relit f. Thousands of women aro usIiik nnd recommending rec-ommending It every day. Co ciuts ut I druggist or hy mail, ltemembcr.l.owevrr, IT COSTH YOU NOTIIIN'I TO THY IT. THII It. I'AXTOX CO., Ilostun, .Mail, |