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Show NEWS SUMMARY Five men ware wounded during an unsuccessful attempt to lynch a negro ne-gro at Bunklo, La. ' Robbers dynamited tho vault of the hank of H ail e ton, Iowa, and escaped with 14,400 In cash. Second Assistant Secretary of State Adee has started for Europo with tho Intention of making a 2,000-mtle bl-cyclo bl-cyclo tour of Franco. During tho last four weeks over 100 workmen have been killed or wounded wound-ed at Lodz, Russian Poland, as tho result of labor foudo. Robbers dynamited tho safo of tho Farmers and Merchants' bank at Blx-bio, Blx-bio, I. T., secured soveral thousand dollars in currency and escaped. For the Bocond time in ten years Los Angeles will entertain tho National Na-tional Teachers' association, which will meet In that city July 8 to 13. The United States Stcol corporation has fixed tho selling prlco for rails for the season of 1908 at $28 per ton. This Is the prlco which has obtained for several years. Mrs. Aggie Myers was delivered to tho penitentiary officials at Jefferson City, Mo., on Friday- to servo a life sentence for tho murder of her husband hus-band at Kansas City. Mrs. Esther McNeil, founder of the Women's Christian Temperance union, and first president of tho organization, organiza-tion, died at her homo In Fredonin, N. Y., last week, aged 94 years. In an attempt to escapo from the Btato penitentiary at Raleigh, N. C, by three young convicts, ono of them, C L. Scruggs, was killed by the guard. The others wcro recaptured. The assembly of Now York passed by a voto of 77 to 55 tho bill to pep mlt amateur boxing matches of not exceeding flrtccn minutes' duration under tho authority of tho Amatcui Athletic union. Professor C. B. Berkley, of the department de-partment of geology at Columbia, sayt that the carthquako conditions prevailing pre-vailing In Mexico aro exactly slmllai to those which prevailed In San Fran clsco a year ago. From 1897 to 1904 tho United States spent $307,000,000 for military purposes. An expenditure of $200,-000,000 $200,-000,000 Is now considered normal, bo great has been the Increase during tho last few years. Governor Hughes has signed tho so-called so-called Bingham police bill, which will permit practically a reorganization ot the New York City police force and greatly lncrcaso tho powers of 'tho commissioner of police. Stato Entomologist Smith has received re-ceived reports from tho various peach-growing peach-growing districts of Georgia, a summary sum-mary of which shows that at least 75 per cent of tho crop has been killed by tho recent cold weather. At a meeting of tho Republican editors edi-tors of tho Tenth Indiana congressional congression-al district, resolutions woro ndopted unanimously endorsing Vlco President Charles W. Fairbanks for tho Republican Repub-lican presidential nomination. It is announced that in tho course of pollco investigations into tho recent re-cent murder of a physician nt Warsaw by a hired terrorist, It was established estab-lished that $15 each Is tho prlco paid by the torrorlsts of Warsaw for murders. mur-ders. There wero 75,000 deaths from tho plaguo In India during tho week ending April 13. Seventy thousand of theso occurred In Bengal, the United provlncos and tho Junjab. Tho epidemic epi-demic began In tho Punjnb In October, 1897. Tho fires In hand window glnss plants under nearly 1,400 pots In Pittsburg, Pitts-burg, wero drawn Saturday as tho ro-suit ro-suit of a decision of the manufacturers manufactur-ers to closo for tho season. Between 150,000 and 160,000 omployes aro affected. af-fected. Mrs. Mary JohnBon, a ncgross, was found dead in a rooming houso In Chicago, Chi-cago, hor head having been nlmost sovored with a hatchet. Otis Johnson, John-son, a negro, was arrested and admitted admit-ted ho killed tho woman because of Jealousy. Tho international commorco of tho world now exceeds $20,000,000,000, ot which $13,500,000,000 Is imports nnd $12,500,000,000 exports, according to a statement Issued by the bureau of statistics of tho department of commorco com-morco and labor. Tho British stcamor Andalusia, from Swansea, for Barcelona, foundered April 13 off tho Spanish coast. Her captain, first officer and a sailor wero picked up and brought to Gibraltar. Tho rest of tho crow aro bollovcd to havo been drowned. Tho sultan of Morocco, according to a couriers who has nrrlved at Tanglors from Foz, is not willing to carry out tho terms ot tho Algcclras convention. Ho pays no notice to the Kronch claims rolatlvo to redress foi tho murder of Dr. Maucliamp. Governor Warner, of Michigan, hab signed tho 2-cont-faro bill, which goos Into effect In Soptembor. It applies to all lowor peninsula roads earning moro than $1,2000 pur mllo pur your on passenger trains. Uppor peninsula roads aro reducod from 4 cents to 3 cents. |