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Show F'OR THE LIVING ROOM A Little Care In Decoration Bring '-M Good Results. 'H If tho family sitting room must 'v furnished with tho discarded draw' lng-room furniture, much will bo add od to tho attractiveness of tho room if cretonne in pretty flowor effects If 1 bought nnd n slip cover mado for each nrttcld of furniture. An old haircloth set of chairs and; sofas 'was by this means converted Into a very charming living room set; tho slips completely disguising thq nntlvp ugliness ot tho chairs. Cretonno ot tho samo pattern was 'H used for window valances and hnng- In tho room mentioned the wall paper and floor covorlngs wero plain In tone. When these aro figured It Is scarcely posslblo to Introduco figured furniture coverings and hangings Tho effect Is too confusing. It will be-found be-found possible however, to dyo old carpets and rugs tho color ot tho tone prevailing In tho chintz. This Is not expensive. An old marble-topped tablo wait covored with this samo plain tortel bordcrod by tho flowered cretonno. 'H It wns a sunny room, with a bay: window, the cushioned scat of which' was also dono In tho cretonne, and tho wholo effect wns delightful. |