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Show NEW MAIL ROUTE FOR GARLAND! Garland is jubilant over the good news received that the new Mail Route from this city via Snowville to Stone, Idaho, is an actual fact and feel considerably repaid for the hard work done in securing the service. The Town Board, Commercial Club and the people of Garland are to be congratulated for their efforts In this matter and Snowville and Stone are to be praised for uniting with us in htlpmg to secure the new route. Rep. Jos. Howell has worked like a beaver to secure the route and his efforts have been crowned with sue cess, The new service begins Monday, May 6th. Followlug Is tho notice posted la the Gnrlnml postoITcc: 8tam Route Mail Service. Postofllco Dept., olllce of tho Second Asst. l'ostmuster General, Division of CoutrncU. Washington D. C, April 17,1007. Notlco Is hereby given that a contract hns been awarded to George1 Daley of Stone, Ida., for carrying tho mull by Snowville to Garland, State of UtHh, ami back six times a week, from May 0, 1007 ; to Juno 80, 1010, at the rato of $2,000 per annum. Ilnnd required with bid (3,500. Followlug Is schedule of departuro and arrival of mall on tho routo: It Leavo Slono. Idaho, dally except Sun-day Sun-day at 0:0 a m. Arrive at Garlaud at 0:30 p m. Leave Garland, dally, except Sunday at 0:30 a m. Arrive at Stone, Ida., at 0:30 p m. J. T. MoLkauv, 2nd Asst. P M Gen. |