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Show If you want to buy I REAL ESTATE f Lend or Borrow H Motley Hate Sour Life or Property Insured Hi se eelling jROS. 1 Garland Utah f 100,000.00 to Loan on Farms H in the Bear River Valley. Hv Prompt Service. TUtes Reasonable II I M.OtC J C Swect t0 M B LuA VW U A Cindy Bowel Liutlvb Sunday Services, lip, W L Grover presided at the regular regu-lar afternoon meeting huld kit Sunday. Singing by the choir. Prayer by Peter Jensen. Singing. Siicrnmeiit was administered ad-ministered by Elders Lmlvlg Larson and llurdctt Smith, during the passing of which the choir sang u Sacramental Hymn, Henry W'clse, wife ami family were accepted as members of tho ward. The speakers were homo missionaries llcnj Harding, Win. Fuecr, J H Uott nml J W Peters of the Stako S 8 Uourd. Singing. Ueuedlctlon by W II Crau-.lull. "Prcvcntlcs" will promptly check a cold or the Grippe when taken early or at the "sneeu stage." Preventlcs cure seated colds us well, Preventlcs are little candy cold cure tablets, and Dr. Shoop, Uaclne, Wis., will gladly mall you samples sam-ples ami it book on Colds free, If you will write him. The samples prove their merit. Check early colds with Preventlcs Preven-tlcs and stop pneumonia, Sold In 5c und 25c boxes by all dealers. Vol. 1, No. 2 of The Llahona, a maga zlue published at Independence, Mo,, under the auspices of the Missions of tho Church, It F Ciimmings, publisher, came to our desk this week. It Is a 10-pago magazine well tilled with Interesting ar-tlelcs ar-tlelcs defending tho causo of truth and notes from the Northern, Eastern and Western missionary fields. May it prosper. pros-per. JOSEPH JENSEN Notary Public GirbjBd . - . Utah. TtTTTttTtTTttTT "Tt Y TT TTttt J W Davis, SHOE AND HARNESS REPAIR SHOP Prices Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed One door east of the Pearl Saloon, Garland, Utah. The new and most fashionable sleeves for women are made like those of the Japanese kimona. Just as a matter of courtesy we would like to know if the San Francisco women will refuse to wear them. Indigestion Stomach trouble It'buta ijroptom of, and not m lUelt a true dlteaae. Wo think of Ujipepita, Heartburn, and Indlgeitlon i real dlieaict, yet iber am lymptoini only of a cerulu ipoclflo Nerve alckneu nothing 1m. It wai Uilt fact that tint corrcctlr let Dr. Shoop In the creation of that now very popular Htomach Remedy Dr. Slioflp't Kestoratlre. (loin direct to the itomach nerrta, alone brought that fticres) and favor to Dr. Hhoop and hit Restorative. Without With-out that original and highly vital principle, no rich laittng accmnpllihmriiU went ever to bo hid. For itomach dUtrctt. bloating, blllmiim-M, bad breath and willow comploxlon, try I)r. Shoop's llestoratlve Tablet or Liquid and leu for your. If what It can and will do. We toll and cheer-fully cheer-fully recommend Dr. Shoop's Restorative (ALL DEALERS) vvkAJj qo YEARS' &EXPERIENCH OaTalalaaaaaaaHal fl e VaHHBlJaHpjiHHaHarflilJ aH m j J i jj H a 1 5 t I kw'V aB BT I 'I W I Bft awaaaaaH Trade Marks Ocsiqns r ff ' COPVRIQHTS oC f Anrone tending a tlietch and detciiptlnn may qalcklr airertnln our opinion free whether en Intention la probably pntenUblA, Communlea llonotrlctlyronSdentlal. HANDBOOK onl'atenu nt free. Oldeit agency tot eecurlng patent. l'ateuu taken tlirounh Munii Co. recelvs KKfial notkt, without cbario, in the Scientific American. A tiandiomely lllnitrated weekly. Tneit dr. culallun o( any tclenllOo Journal, Term,, S3 a yeari four month,, L Bold byall newadealera. I Y-Pte C Sweet to Eat LllA J ACsndyBowtlUuUvt. PRINTING Or FIRST CLASS QUAXITT 13 OUB uouuy. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER. llltten by a Spider. Through liloori poisoning caused by a spider blto, John Washington of Dosqtio villi!,. Tex., would lmvo lost his leg, which bccanio a mass of running sores, had bo riot been persuaded to try lluck-lun's lluck-lun's Arnica Biilvc. llo writes: "Tho first application relieved and four boxes healed all tho sores." 25c. Guaranteed at Klter llros. Drug Co. Whooping Cough. I liavo used ChamberUln's Cough Hcincdy in my family In cases of whoop Ing cough, and want to tell you that It Is tho best medicine I have ever used. W P Gaston, Posco, Ga. This remedy is safe and sure. Forsalo by Itltur llros. Drug Co. O. .S L. TIME TABLE I'auenger No. 32 Paisenger No, 31 SOUTH POUND NORTH BOUND Lv Malad 7:15 a m I.v llrlgham 6:10 p m Lv Garland 8:40 am Lv Corlnno 620 p m LvTremont 8:45 am Lv Tremont 6:43 p m Lv Corinne 9J0 am Lv Garland 6-t p m Ar Brlgham 9:40 am Ar Malad 8:30 0 m Connecte with Cache . Connecta with Cache Valley train No. 12 for Valley train No 11 from Ogden and Salt Lake. Ogdcn and Salt Lake. MIXED TRAIN. North Bound. Leaves Ogden 8:20 a. rr. Bngham.. ..9:55 0. m. " Corinne. ... 10:10 a. m. " Tremont. .. 10:52 a.m. Garland . . 11:20 a. m. Arrives at Malad . . . . 1 :uo p.m. -South Bound. LeEves Malad 1:20 p. m Garland 3:25 p.m. Tremont.. ..3:40 p. m Corinne 4:30 p m. " Bripham . . . .4:55 p.m. Arrives at 0den . . . .6:25 p. m. F. F. Gross, Local Agent, Carland , Utah To Consumptives. Tho undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, after suffering' suffer-ing' for several yearswith n sovero lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, Con-sumption, ,ls anxious to mnko kuown to his fellow suffercs' the means of cure. To those who deslro it, he will cheerfully cheerful-ly send (free of charge) a copy of tho prescription used, which they will find a cure lor Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Ilronchltls and all throat and lung Maladies. Mala-dies. Ho hopes all suffercrcs will try his remedy, as it Is Invaluable. Those dcslrins the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may provo a blessing, will please address Itev. Edward Ed-ward A. Wilson, Urooklln, N Y. Wo would bo pleased to liavo our readers, read-ers, and the public generally, send in such Items of news as may come ' under their observation, such as births, deaths, marriages, goings and comings, otc Many things transpire that we may over look, hence wo ask you to assist us in this matter that wo may bo ablo to pub llsh am, tho nows. CSV" 86. Wo have some excellent samples of stock certificates at this ofllcu audcan print certlllcatcs for Incorporated linns. Call and examluo them. Calvin Wheeler, Jr., Dealer In and llrccdor of PUKE llltED-DU llltED-DU ROC-JERSEY SWINE Fruit and Farm Products Wheeler Farm, Fielding, Utah, Post Office Collinston, Ut. Japanese ftgtmB TOM NOQIMA. PROP. MEALS AND LUNCHES SERVED AT ALL HOURS, A GOOD PLACE TO EAT- Next door East of Club IJaloon. The News No Pure Drug Cough Cure Laws would be needed, If all Cough Cures were like lr. Shoop's Cough Cure Is and has bcon for 20 years. The Nat lonal Law now requires that if any poisons pois-ons enter Into a cough mixture, it must bo printed on the label or package. For this reason mothers, und others, should Insist on having l)r Shoop's Cough Cure. No poison nmrks on Dr. Shoop's labels and none in the medicine, else It must by law bo on tho label. And it's not only safe, but it Is said to bo by those that know it best, a truly remarkable cough remedy, Take no cliimco, particularly partic-ularly with your children. Insist on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure, Com-pare Com-pare carefully the Dr. Shoop package with others and sec. No poison marks there! You can always be on the safe sldu by demanding Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Simply refuse to accept auy other So'd by all dealers. Productive Cocoanut Tree. A largo cocoanut treo yields as many as 100 nuta a year. Natives ubo the nuta for ilshea as well as for food. LOCAL MAILS.' MAILS AitlUVR. From South j -3Sn.mf j 7:00 p. m. MAILS CLOSE Going South 8.15 a.m. b ) 3:10 p.m. STAR ROUTE. Mails arrive from Penrose and way at 10:30 a. m. Mails leave tor Penrose and way at 11.50 a. m, OfUce hours from 8 a. m. to 0 p. m. Eva C. Wilcox, Postmaster. J W LEWIS, Practical Watch-maker and general gen-eral repairer. RITER BROS. -BLOCK Garland Utah, JUST RECEIVED A Large and Now Stock of Up-to-Dnte Wall Paper. PRICES VERY LOW. Painting and Paper-hanging a Special- GEO. MELDRUM, THEMONTON UTAH -T-H- THE NEW i I Palace Barber Shop II. P. MILLER PKOP. Shaving, Hair-cutting, Shampooing and Massaging. Sanitary Hulcs Strictly Observed Turkish Tlaths In Connection Will Perkins in charge Agent for Ogden Steam Laundry. Next to Club Saloon Garland, Utah noroptlT obtained In all coantrlM, orNOfflTH TRAOC -MARKS. Carmtt au4 Cppjrljbti nit- UmL Mend Sketch, Model or i'lwta, for ire report oa pattoubilltr. AIL UUSINiaa STRICTLY connoiNTUU i'atent preoUoaH axrlnalTelr. Sarpaeaux rafennrea. Wldeawata Inyentore ahould hare onr hand. book oallowtootxatn and Sell patenla, What to. Tentiona will per.lloir to (rt apartnrrjtndollier valuable Information. bnt trva to auy addreta, D. SWIFT & G0.I jUTTER RAPPERS We print Butter Wrappers wilh specially, prepared ink at the following fol-lowing prices: For 100 t .. .. 75c For 200 $1 25 For 500.,.. 1.50 For 1,000 $2.00 Garland Globe Office. C. J. Campbell, Real Estate Insurance. Will sell your land, will buy you a home, will insure your property, will do your Notary Work. If you waut to buy or sell, call at the BANK. BUILDING GARLAND, - - - - - UTAH. Announcement. I am cow Located in the Diilldlng next to tho J. F. Owens Meat Market and cordially Invite my friends old and new to call and luspeet my stock of Spring Creations. All the Lutes t Styles In I Millinery, Ladies' Furnishings, Dress Goods & Notions. Sco My Spring and Summer Hats before luaklng your Soltcllnn IVfrc 1 Mi Next door west of Owens Meat Market 1 II M. 1 IUI BC, OAKLAND, UTAH J p Occtens, Dealer in Fresh and Cured Meats and Green Groceries. Fish und Game in Season. Garland Utah, Csttlf wnn llnirq UninMit and Sold In Carload Lota. 2U4 Main St., I IT7X 14 HFIVXTS I CCi Krauch olllies Provo, Salt Lako City. U I tWt ISL.M I tl AJm i,()gHn ,,a p,irk City. DK. A. ZIMMEKMAN. MOK. tTeoth extraetod poslUvely without pain. Free with other work. Set. Teeth (best red rubber) M. Gold Cn)viM,22-k. W.liO to5. llrldgu Work, best, 3.00 to 5. efclSBSim. Uold Killlnu's il.OOup. fBjll PltKlC examination and advice. Open till (I jim Sundays 12 to 2 TBBING THIS AD. WITH YOU.J& The Garlod Liven v VIM. CLAKK, Prop. LIrery, Feed. and Sale Stablea Up-to-Date Riggs at all Hour . Hones and Mule. Bought and Sold I GQr,an(J Ufa Hack MecU all Train at DaweyrlU pmuh SALOON CHOICE VrtKTS, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. POOL AND BILLIARDS. Bear the Elect rlo Plana la all the latest selections. A. B. MAN AS A, Prop. Garland, Utah raBonk of Garland (INCORrORATED.J 4 mzcTOBat W W RUer. presldf nt, w w ntcr( ThonlM n ir 1 t. r-1 u . I Itr, Ooo Roinuer, Geo T Odell, Moslah Evans, vice-president, John , 0lltlwnonico 0 0. J. Campbotl, cashier. 5 ney, V D Lewis. Moslah Taoi ? and W It uuucei. Transncts general banking business. Exchange drawn on thf principal cities of the United States and Europe. Open a savings account with us in your youth and provide (or old age. Safety d posit boxes for rent, I J, The fiarland (lub, Eph Gomb,( Pb--. j Choice Winea, Liquon and Cigan Billiard and Pool Room in Coanectioa Garland Utah. P Subscribe for the Globe. (gj |