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Show The Evils of Constipation, r-s many; In fact almost every serious se-rious illness has Itn origin In constipation, consti-pation, nnd como medicines, Instead of preventing constipation, add to It. This Is true of most cathartics, which, when first used, havo n beneficial effect, ef-fect, but tho doso has to bo continually contin-ually Increased, nnd beforo long tho remedy ceases to have tho slightest effect. Thero Is ono preparation, however, how-ever, that can bo rolled upon to pro-duco pro-duco tho same results with tho same doso, oven after fifty years' dally use, nnd this Is Brnndrcth's Pills, which has a record of over 100 years ns tho standard remedy for constipation constipa-tion nnd all troubles nrlsing from nn Impure stnte of the blood. Brandrcth's Pills are the enmo fine laxative tonic pill your gruudpnronts used, and aro for sale everywhere, either plain or sugar-coated. |