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Show 'UTAH STATO TOWS ,t A carload 6t holly from Wjclaware waa received In -Salt fLakellaht -week and was -disposed -of to- local dealers. RlchfloWfi 'building boom scorns to grow dally. 'A -wow -opera house to cost $20,000 In -now Loln promoted. Tho Southern Pacific lias ordered ' constructed rolling Block which will coat In the neighborhood of $0,000,000. Salt Lake 'Oily Is In the grip of td coal famine, and much suffering may result IMhc weather should turn cold. A number of tho young men of Qrantsvllle got together recently and H spent a day chopping wood for the I poor. I The 20-months-old child of .Tolin Van Woerkom, of Ogdeu, fell Into a tub of I boiling water and was scalded to I death. I A determined effort Is being made I to suppitiss gambling In Ogden. Seven- I teen men were arrested one night last I week for gambling. 1 Elaborate preparations tiro being 1 made for a Christmas dlnucr to be I given the Salt Lake nowslKiys by I Samuel Newhouse. I The last slmro of tho Provo Car- I rlago Manufacturing company has I been subscribed and the company will I Incorporate nt once. I Tho board of directors of the Weber I club hus Instituted a movement to so- I cure the headquarters of the Pacific I Fruit Kxpress for Ogden. I JVllllam (ireeulng, an employe at I ' (to City and County building In Salt I Lake, fell from a ladder whllo wash I ing windows and fractured his leg. I A match between Cyclono Thomp- on and Maurice Thompson has boen B definitely arranged for New Year's B ovo In the Grand opera house In Og- B den. H Arthur Hayes, formerly of Ogden, I solicitor of Internal revenue, Is being BJ considered by the president for np- H polntment as Assistant Attorney H Gouernl. H The Park City union of tho Western H Federation of Miners recently pur- K chaBed the property north of Its pro- H Dent ofllce, and will commenco the JJ erection of u ball at once. WJ J. W. Lyons, a dope tleud and a H prisoner ut tho Ogden city jail, com- Hj jnltted suicide by hanging himself H with his hankorchlcf and a belt tied H lo the Iron nross-bar above his cell door, J John Flnholm, a miner, was Her- H iously Injured by a cave-In at the Jup- Bl ltc mine, his collar bono being frac- H tilled, suveral ribs crushed, and ono BB log so Imd'.p crushed that amputation BJ was necessary. Wlllurd Dexter, while mining coal In B what Is known as tho, Dexter Urothcrs' IB mlno, at Coalville, wan seriously In- jured. It Is stated oy those present that about ten hundred ounds of coal Bfl fell upon him. Ruben Worlton, who was the roost BV sevorely scalded of the three young BB men Injured at tho sugar factory at Lohl recently, was not so seriously mm injured as at first reported, and will IB be out In a fortnight. B Sanfonl L. Ives, a prominent real mm eatato man of Ogden, dropped dead In IK his ofllce from an attack of heart IH failure. Mr. Ives was dictating let-tors let-tors nt the time and passed away HBj within a few moments. Work on tho telephpue line between Pangultcn and Marysvalo Is com-pleted. com-pleted. A branch lino is also being J extonderi across Pluto county from B Junction to Kingston, at tho request H of thn ritlcna of tho latter place. H- lOrdcrvllle, Kane county, Is now put- HPM ting the finishing touches to Its new Hi wnter system and will soon be enjoy-Bjj enjoy-Bjj ing the convenience of a well con-ntriictcd con-ntriictcd pipe line conducting the water Bj for culinary puriK)ses Into the houses. fB At a mcutlng of tho directors of Mm tho Utah Light and railway company, H hold in Salt Lake City, Manager Jo-B Jo-B fieph E. Wells, submitted a prollmln-ary prollmln-ary estimate of the improvements and mm extensions on the system for 1907, BB which Involve an expenditure of BB $3,250,00. B With tho death of Conductor A. BB Werrln, Uio Hint wreck on tho West-Ut West-Ut Crn Pacific has proved fatal. Tho In-VJ In-VJ jured man died Sunday uftcmuoh after BM suffering Intensely for four days from B scalds received beneath un upset on- BB B President Wnireu, or the National IB Woolgrowors' ussoclatlon, has just Is- IB sued a circular letter, calling ntton- PmM1 tlou to the forty-third annual convon- IBBj Hon, which nssembles In Halt Lake BB on Thursday, January 17 next, anil con- BBV tluues for three iluys. JA'ult llracketl, aged 21, employed In BBBjj tjj stock business ut llebcr City for BH several years, committed sulcldo by BfM drinking carbolic acid, llrackott had Ht i,ocn drinking heavily for tho past BBS- -wc.uk, and this, together with a love BBC affair, was tho cause. IBB Within forty-eight hours of tho B time he was arrested on a charge of B grnnd larceny, Italpli Ponlo, who stole ftBB diamond and Jewelry front a room BBB In a salt Ul.o hotel, valued at ll.oou, BBB was on his way to the state prison to BBB. begin or"lt-c or a. term of throe yours. flBBB Bv |