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Show LUMBERMAN SHOT DOWN FLUME INTO THE SEA Vancouver, B. C. With a dlblocatod leg, n twlBted ankle, numerous cuts and abrasions nnd largo patches of skin burned off, S. J, Domnresq, a lumberman, Is In n locnl hospital thankful thank-ful that ho is alive. Demnre8q was at work at a lumber camp on Hotliam sound when he slipped and well Into a dry shingle flumo. Down this, for 3,000 feet, ho thot at so great a rato that the skin was burned from his body by tho friction. fric-tion. From the end of the flumo ho shot a distance of 25 feet Into tho sen. 'He managed to keep nllout until he reached somo rocks. 150 feet away. Ho was too weak to clumber upon the rocks, but managed to cling to them until ho was rescued by his wife. His wife was on tho islund. a quarter ----------- wwuwjujrjO nt a mllo away, nnd was Informed by, her frightened children thnt a man ffl hnd shot down tho flume and was cling- lug tv tho rocks and shouting for help. Unnldcd, tho woman launched n heavy boat and put off to the rescue, Utile Bfl dreaming that tho Imperiled man was )fl her husband. When she reached hlin Bfl her amazement and terror at discover- ffl lug his Identity made her so weak that it was with difficulty she was able to- 9J drag him Into tho boat. Nevertheless 9) sho succeeded In doing so and thcu fl&, managed to get him from the boat to jug tho houso. Then she set off to tho fW lumber enmp for assistance. Jt Two campmatos of the injured man rigged out nn Improvised stretcher in $vi j thn hoot and rowed 25 miles through UA l heavy sens until they reached the Wi; i steamer Kootentty. Tho Injured man M j wns placed on board and brought to ItJm thu hospital hero for treatment. Tho ,MHv ! physicians say thnt ho will recover 7 '(!.?.' |