Show confederate veteran and negro mammy ammy ar 4 P C at S L MAN of north carolina was ap idel when lie got up tip to speak the other lay lit in tile the house why lle caUse lie Is tile the only confederate ve veteran left in tile house time was uns when the erney played an all important part in congress time wits when tile lie house membership was largely composed colli posed of inen illen who gilld raced one lil mother iother on tho the huttle nehls of tile civil war well those days tiro tire gone forever the house first sir mr sted man nr n A confederate veter veteran nn then it him ris its n speaker and what do you ns as the subject of his 40 dress you yon could col ifil not guess lit in a thousand years ears ills his uloet was legislation which I 1 would admit the erection in ton of a menior hil to the southern of song and story of course tile north cannot see BOO tile nwe negro Mail mummy lilly with tile eyes of tile south iut but tho north very well knows that she wits belo beloved I 1 ved of the south that sir hs wits sul GUI generis american that she lit la it a cherished memory vor for silo sho too 11 or tins lins passed the rocky hlo Mount news Is moved by the ho incident to sity buy two fi facton nrc fire it at work lit in tile tho restoration and with it generation that knows not by partial pation the awfulness of civil warfare it irwill vill come quicker than was possible under the old order one 1 Is economics it potent influence lit in nuch blich th lulfs us its we cin call seu see so clearly tit nt this ills hour lit in the lie Imro situation where it Is strange fellowships un tin edmed it of 11 few blick former t ei jol lillig tn lit new llev 1 tho the Soli thern st are becoming 11 indies T they hey nrc are forgett ilig to somo extent the hie ritel til issue for tho nue atlon of protect protection lon for their new enterprises the other Is sentiment it better on oil tile purt part of at tile nol korth th of the 1 south th and id d Is ill IWO of created ly by wrongful writing und of history lil story |