Show VEHICLE BILL RECEIVED RECEIVE 0 SENATOR PETERS introduces MEASURE CHANGING LICENSE LICE NSE FEE AND GASOLINE TAX the long expected amendment to the tate ate motor vehicle laws including the gasoline fae tax law wits wax introduced thursday in the senate by senator J W peters of boxelder Box elder county tho the gasoline tax bill is about as already announced as tho recommendation of the state commission on revision of taxation except that the rate carried is two and one half cents ft a gallon instead of two cents advocated by some and three cents advocated by others licensing of dealers in motor vehicle fuels is carried in the bill and provision is made for collection of the tax from tho the distributors distribute irs who may of course pass tho the tax along to the consumer the proceeds of the tax estimated roughly at are to be ba covered into the state treasury by the secretary of state who collects the tax and are to go into the state highway maintenance main fund after the interest and sinking fund of state road bonds are cared for annually remittances are to be made tho the afif fifteenth of each month motor vehicle fuel for export from fiant tho state is excluded from the tax the second of the bills amends various var features in the present law regulating motor vehicle licenses and their collection solid tires are any kind that does not depend wholly on confined air for the support of the joad A dealer may handle secondhand automobiles as well as now new ones A chauffeur is any person who operates a motor vehicle in the transportation tation of persons or property and who receives any compensation for such bervice in wages commission arother or otherwise paid directly or indirectly ur who as owner or employee operates a motor vehicle carrying passengers OT or property for hire alterations are made lit in tho provisions covering the size of license plates so as to permit of better bargaining with the manufacturers of such provision is made for ell eliminating mint the vexatious charges of the past two years when an owner changes change 4 his car mid seasons transfer of the licenses will cost but 1 the now new schedule of license fees is is changed by a reduction of ampro approximately xa I 1 one third for the passenger cars cara and the smaller trucks A horsepower of not more than 25 charges a fee of 5 the charge is for a horse power of 25 to 40 10 for 40 4 0 to 60 50 horsepower and 1260 for all above BO 50 A halfton half ton truck would pay 5 per annum a three quarter truck and a ton truck track 10 and a one and one half ton truck 20 other truck licenses remaining as they are arc f A two iwo wheel trailer for tho the camper is exempted from the trailer provisions of the present law 4 tho the traffic regulations are altered as regards signs so that cars shaft be equipped with provision for hand and arm signal or else mechanical devices trucks are arc required to carry rear view mirrors tax levies on livestock are to be materially teri ally increased for the purpose of providing funds with which to pay bounties on predatory animals though the bounties in some instances have been removed and for all animals they have bave been lowered A levy of 4 mills on tho the dollars for all she epand goats is proposed in the place of the I 1 Vs mill levy on range horses and cattle the levy la Is doubled and is fixed at 2 mills instead of 1 the 1 mill levy on domestic cattle provided in the present law lav i eliminated changes in bounty payments are far reaching payment of 30 for abear a bear is removed for a mountain lion or cougar the bounty is reduced from 30 to 15 for a black timber wolf volf from to 15 for coyotes from 4 tp 3 for a lynx or bobcat them the payment remains the same 3 the 5 cent bent bounty for jack rabbits or white hares is removed authority to expend funds for the eradication of and destruction of predatory animals is ia transferred from the state board of agriculture as provided for in the present statute to tho the state auditor who may spend 30 per cent of the state bounty fund including unexpended balances for this purpose the amendment lower the amount to be devoted to th the th campaign by ay 20 per cent the state board of agriculture ri at the present being allowed go CO per cent the biennial blennia budget of tic ifie state of utah appeared in both houses of the legislature it carries a total of expenditures tures of which is more than the latest and most liberal estimate est imata yet made of tho the state general fund revenue for the coming two years with the budget camo came the draft of tte the general appropriation bill bill which was introduced in the house and also a letter from governor mabey mabeb r transmitting the budget the governors letter calls calla attention to the excess of f tho the budget over tho the states estimated revenues but adds that the enactment of pending legislation may servo serve to in expenses the governor adds that the president of the board of the utah agricultural college asserts that it will be impossible to maintain the branch agricultural college at cedar city on the amount stipulated in the budget As aa to the legislation pending of which the governor speaks there are already several bills before the legislature which might contribute if they or any of them pass the house has bills before it to abolish the public utilities commission for which is appropriated in the budget and the state securities commission which is however a source of revenue to the state general fund contributing to it a surplus over its expenses from the fees taken in there is ia another bill in the house which would require that the eap exp expenses anses of the state industrial comm commission assion be paid out of the state insurance fund the budget total for this commission is senator C L funk of cache county Is studying econom economy yand and reduction of expenses ho he introduced a billin bill in the senate which would require that all offic officers drs and employees of the state be entitled to free transportation intrastate subject to laid down by the state board of examiners this would serve to reduce the states travel bill considerably the cache senator also proposes a bill to limit the state supreme court to three members instead of the tha present five this would be accomplished by the expedient of electing justices in the future only for six year ear terms thus the membership would gradually be reed first to four members and then to three publishers of newspaper in rural communities had many defenders in the house of representatives when a propos proposal dl to reduce the legal printing n g rate was hotly opposed by several bein members bers the proposal was contained in house bill no 17 by representative shelley it sought sough tto to change the present law gover governing nirl d the printing rate to be charged in towns of less than population from 10 cents a line for each insertion to io 10 cents a line ime for the first insertion of legal advertising ver and 6 5 cents a line for sub sequent the was as after considerable debate by a aste of 31 nays to 28 yens yeas the author of the measure and representative and jorgensen were the principal speakers in favor of its passage each said that the rate now established is excessive end and that publishers received in payment for legal advertisement advertis ment out of proportion to space consumed representatives hollenbeck wilkins Will tins judd and jones opposed ilia iha bill in debate the tenor of their defense was as to uie the effect that publishers of small all newspapers realize little profit from such advertising even at the present rate 11 and nd to reduce it would bo be to deal a severe blow to them the maintenance 0 of f small community newspapers each said 13 3 necessary to the welfare or the communities and that in afi consideration of the service ahe they y render the publia they are entitled entitle a to all they are receiving as payment for legal advertising the fact that such an elaborate dinner beginning with a soup and ending with cake ice cream candy and coffee for those who wanted it could be served to a crowd of or more in tho the cafeteria in such prompt order and with victuals so well cooked and served in such appetizing manner was a tribute of itself to the management of the cafeteria it is likely that a special joint committee consisting of members of the senate and the house will be selected to visit and inspect the branch agricultural culau ral college at cedar city representative jorgensen jorgensan cn chairman of the house appropriations committee said that there had been some misunderstanding concerning who should investigate vesti gate conditions at the college and made a motion that speaker and two other members of the house constitute a committee to confer with a committee fro from m the senate consisting of president mckay and two senators relative to the appointment of the investigating committee the motion was carried and representatives jones and openshaw were appointed by the speaker to serve with him I 1 in n conjunction with the senta senate committee lengthy and ardent debate on the proposed salary of the state game commissioner took place in the lower house of the legislature the discussion ensued when a majority and a minority report on house bill no 39 by representative robert B white of beaver county were submitted by the comm committee attee on fish and game the measure present r an entirely I 1 now new ept apt of laws pertaining to the protection of fish and game of the state otate the duties of the fish and game commis 01 bonev an 11 lla Liry iry re repeal of the giesea present liters laws is sought by house bulj bl no 40 4 by the same author consideration of the proposed new laws has been under tinder way by the committee since january 20 several amendments are proposed by the committee to which oil all members i agree with the exception to 0 a 0 change proposed prop by the the minority report which would hould reduce the salary of the commissioner from a year as corinthe for inthe bill to ft a ye year a r the minority in ano rity report w was a a adopted by the house after the debate had I 1 I 1 waxed waxe strong for a considerable length of time i introduced IN THE SENATE S B 07 67 adams osteopathy S B 68 jensen voluntary associations to sue and anabe be sued S B 69 jenson state engineers fees S B 70 axon limiting civil service commission to salt lake una ana ogden S B aj 71 mcconkie mc conkity requiring I 1 ring sheriffs in smaller counties to reside at county seat S B 72 irvine irvind fixing fees for University of Uta hond hand utah agricultural college S B 73 winder requiring annual audit audi t of state insurance fund by state auditor S B 74 dixon exclusion of public fr from om certain court boua trials S C M 3 dindri relief for settlers on united states reclamation projects agriculture S jens jenson on prescribing rules for assessing merchants and manufacturers S B 76 10 funk requiring railroads to issue free transportation t to state employees S B 77 winder town taxes referred to public affairs committee S si 13 78 tebbs restricting perquisites qui sites of warden of state prison S B 79 peters gasoline tax S B 80 peters automobile license regulations S B 81 peters 7 automobile license fees S B 82 peters automobile traffic signals S B 83 funk reducing member ship of iti supreme court to three S B 84 dier hirschi diersche appropriating Ap 1 abing from motor vehicle registration surplus for revolving fund for state road commission S B 85 hirschl hirschi appropriating from same fund as aa contingent fund for state ronel commission com S C R 3 warnick constitutional amendment to provide for classification of property for taxation purposes public affairs S B D 86 jenkins permitting es of branch banks within the sama same county commerce and industry du stry S B 87 irvine giving givin 1 county purchasing agent control over feeding of prison prisoners S B 88 8 irvine removing Remo Reino ying flodin fc odin of prisoners of skit salt lake county from sheriffs office introduced IN THE HOUSE H B 68 fletcher empowering county commissioners to change boundary lines of school districts education committee II 11 B 69 repealing Rep ealin Z act creating securities commission and laws relating to the sale of securities and the real estate department judiciary di H 13 3 PO 70 jorgens on amen amending ding laws relating to bounties on predatory animals livestock committee H 13 71 baldwin amending laws pertaining to powers of boards of education ti uca tion education committee H B 72 state budget bill appropriations committee IT B 73 finlinson levying and collection of taxes on irrigation and water wat er conservation districts irrigation arid and water conservation districts H B 74 rowan wan S substitute for H B 64 54 withdrawn relating to liquidation of banks bariks banking committee H B 75 relating to placing stationary advertising on public high highways highways and bridges committee H B 76 wilkins examination and reg registration of brofe professional s dional engineers and surveyors public lands committee rait tee 11 B 77 brewer statements concerning per personal ional property of merchants and manufacturers manner of assessing such property manner of listing listin gother other property not a part of property used by merchant or manufacturer fac and exempting from taxation property moving in interstate commerce revenue reveau 6 and taxation committee SENATE ACTION ON BILLS S B 28 jenkins repealing an nual military census ayes 20 S B 36 jenkins salt lake assessors salary ayes ayea 9 nays 11 S B 31 adams repealing Repe alini egg candling law ayes 7 nays 13 11 B 35 bagnall reducing int inter or est cst on delinquent taxes to 10 pe per cent per annum ayes 1 nays 18 1 absent S 13 40 jenkins hours of county af fIceri ayes aye s 3 nays 17 H B 2 atwood cooperative marketing bill ayes 20 S B 46 45 committee on agriculture cu ture sub for S B 20 Ca candland ayes 16 absent 4 H J at 1 mrs airs dunyon uso usa of silver by foreign governments ayes 18 absent 2 sa S B 46 committee on commercio com merco and industry negotiability of promissory notes Ayes 18 19 nays 2 S B 49 funk architects ayes 20 S B 48 funk certified public accountants C coun tants ayes ig 19 absent absen 1 S B 24 committee on revision and printing land office regulations ayes 19 absent 1 S B 27 21 dixon utah tuberculosis research commission ayes 12 nays 8 S B 37 Jenki jankins fis insurance agents qualifications ayes 18 nays 1 absent 1 S B 47 funk embalming ayes 16 absent 5 S B 67 57 jenkins voluntary admission to state mental hospital ayes 16 15 absent 5 S B 42 mcconkie killing live stock ayes 14 absent 6 S B 43 mcconkle McCon kte maiming maimin livestock ayes 16 15 absent JS 5 S B 29 irvine irvinc aeronautics ayes 16 absent 5 HOUSE ACTION ON BILLS S J M 2 jenkins asking congress to aid silver industry ays ay is 49 absent 6 S J R 1 winder special corn coni cittee to investigate crime wave and activities of pardon board ayes 36 nays 12 abat 7 H 11 B 22 jacobs adding half pint container to fruit and berry liea measures sure ayes 22 nays 26 25 absent 7 H B 67 57 callister int of deputies for county caunt I 1 Y precinct pre cinci I 1 a an n 6 dia brict officers ayes ayea 48 43 absent 7 H 11 B 17 Shelley Reducing raw fo for r legal printing ayes 5 rays nays 31 01 absent 1 H 11 B 2 atwood farm far m ra marketing ang associations ayes 51 nays 1 absent 1 I 1 H B 21 Ope openshaw requiring trust and guarantee and loan assoni actions to obtain permit from state bank examiners ayes 62 52 absent 3 H B 42 cann cannon oil exclude excluding ing building and loan associations froni from paying annual corporation license tax ayes 14 nays 40 absent 1 H B 43 cann cannon on E excluding building and loan associations from provisions relating to fraud in the sale of 0 securities ayes 6 nays 46 45 absent 4 H B 66 mrs lyman |