Show Te federal deral reserve board dart farmer ay i hillo D campbell of coldwater atch LAI fell portrait alt herewith alm has ilm been V nominated by president to ie 1 as g Z lie 10 the dirt fa farmer riner member of th the e federal rc servo board mr air campbell Cani phell dir W A wl ns nominated under the 7 recently 1 4 milade by congress con greag forn icher 5 or of the file bonard lie ile los lins lieen been a practical and working farmer all ills his life it was wan fit at tile tI white house and personally manages two U barnis on till the of eire aro widely knortz as models of agricultural efficiency lie ho lg is especially interested into rested in fit farmers flails alon s and lq Is of bf tile the national ellk producers association and prominent in other oilier farmers fan ners organizations x Preg president Ident the most banding position in the vi orld by nominating P J it crissinger Crissi ngee of marion ohio tobe to be go governor of the i jederan federa board mr cressin 9 P r la is now dio comptroller of the currency a gmt pmt lie ho ling bas beld once the tha beginning of the administration ue Is u old eld flood ana 0 of the president presIde ut |