Show SUCCESS IN TURKEY RAISING one ona of tho the most Im important t steps step Is selection of Ore freeding eding stock look for vigor ono one of tho the most important steps toward success in turkey raising la Is the tie proper of breeding stock eggs abak boults and small scrubby turkeys tire ur largely the result of carelessness in III the selection of tho the parent stock in selecting turkeys for breeding purposes pur pusca strength an and d vigor are tile the first points to be considered to indicate tills this the ilia hotly body should bo be deep and nd wide aldo tho the back anek broad tind and tile breast round abid full tho the hend head should be of good size and of df n clenn healthy tippe artince A i 3 A strong well mide made frame Is desirable si al rable strong well tunde made frame fraine Is shown by thick sturdy shanks and straight glit strong toes inbreeding Is harmful and it carried lilt very long will vill result in III the loss of 0 igor and vitality it Is therefore advisable each year to obtain a now new toni om of unrelated blood but of the same type nothing Is to be gained ty by crossing varlet varieties les ns such practice soon reduces purebreds to mongrels mon grels by pure purchasing basing breeding stock early in n via lio season one n not ot only lias has a larger number to choose from but the birds are given ample time to become acquainted quainter quain ted W with their new surround surroundings lugs before tile the mating season |