Show t more Mo reHeat heat less cost I 1 if you are looking for one of the very BEST heaters made for your home or business place call and let us SAVE YOU MONEY if you are arc looking for real value beauty quality and bur durability ability see us before you decide positively on oil your winters comfort WE KNOW WE CAN SATISFY YOU southern exchange the big store on the cornor corner west of thu tho bank building g 4 ir IT 4 coats coats at mrs ipsom I 1 apson CA HIS PARENTS wonder why he like to study why his eyes wander from his books he is too young to need glasses they say if it occurs to them that a slight weakness of the eyes may be responsible but is he a question for an expert to answer an examination will show immediately if there is the slightest defect an examination costs nothing come in this week jas T daly jr 4 P 14 F maw baw IT IS A DUTY YOU OWE are you giving your family and yourself the protection that is necessary are you insured are you pre pared to meet that terrible deamon FIRE if not you should look into this matter at once and give you and yours the protection deserving call and arrange with SEVY SARGENT agents lip just in A NEW FRESH STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES i BOLOGNA PRODUCE ETC watch our windows for specialties i central market macket i wm evans prop 94 64 H 1 i 8 lichih lIH IH JAMES T DALY PAINTER AND DECORATOR 20 years experience rolls of paper on hand all 1925 goods give Us a call JAMES T DALY PANGUITCH UTAH jofs i 1 1 HI t garfield county telephone co the Garf garfield icId county telephone Coin company pany panguitch utah connects marysvale Marys vale junction circleville cn Cir cleville P panguitch anil and fredonia arizona and nit mucy ny minor places this coin company pany lias has spared no effort to provide for the far farmers of this community the best facilities for iii instant stant communication not only with their neighbors but with the large trade centers in fact if they so desire they can reach the most distant points such as Chic chicago ngo etc etc for information address benj cameron sr panguitch Pan gultch uta utah h 4 11 1 Toast i THE NEW TOASTED SANDWICH SOMETHING NEW THAT EVERY 11 1 BODY LIKES DROP IN AND TRY ONE YOU WILL FIND IT IS WHAT YOU ya HAVE BEEN CRAVINO CRAVING AM fl aw W EARL MAR MARSHALL tALL itic UW utan 4 NOTICE TO WATER USERS state engineers Engineer 8 off e salt lake city utah august 15 1925 notice Is hereby given that albert F r gledhill whose post postoffice office address la Is boulder utah has made application in accordance with the requirements of the compiled laws of utah 1917 as amended by the session laws of utah 1919 and 1925 to appropriate one and five tenths 15 16 c t f a of water from frisky creek in garfield Gartl eld county utah said water la Is to be diverted at a point which bears 1350 1 ft E and ft N of the NE cor 32 S it 4 E S L al and conveyed by menna means of a ditch a distance of ft where it will lie be used from march I 1 to november 1 ot of each year for the irrigation of so 80 acres of land embraced in the W sf ya sec 26 T 33 S R 4 E S L I 1 M N this application la is designated in the state engineers office as file no all protests against the granting of said application stating the reasons must be by affidavit in duplicate accompanied with a fee of and tiled filed in this office within thirty 30 days after the completion of the publication of this notice OEO al BACON state engineer dato date of first publication august 21 1925 D date a te of completion of publication september 18 1926 1925 NOTICE FOR publication ISOLATED TRACT publisher PUBLIC LAND SALE department ot of the interior U S land office at salt lake city utah august 7 1925 NOTICE is hereby given that as directed by the commissioner odthe of the general land office under provisions of sec 2455 2465 R S pursuant to the application of james A little of glendale utah serial no we will offer at public sale to the highest bidder but at not less than per acre at 1045 10 45 A at on the ath day of october Oc toler 1925 next at this office the following tract ot of land SEU seia section 13 township 37 south and range 6 west salt lake meridian this tract Is ordered into tile the market on a showing that tho the greater portion thereof la Is mountainous or too rough for cultivation tho the sale will not be kept open but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding the person making the highest bid will be required to immediately pay to the receiver the amount thereof any persons claiming adversely the above described land are advised to tile file their claims or objections on or before the time designated for s side L e ELI F TAYLOR taylon register C july 25 1925 1025 first publication august 21 1925 last publication sept 18 1925 NOTICE TO WATER USERS state engineers office salt lake city utah august 15 1925 notice Is hereby given that S A ross roas whose post postoffice office address Is denver colorado has made application in accordance with the requirements of the compiled laws of utah 1917 as amended by the session laws of utah 1919 and 1925 to appropriate one 1 c f s of water from crescent creek in garfield county utah said water is to be diverted at a point which bears S 86 21 NY 1320 ft from ea EU 4 cor see sec 34 T 31 S R 10 B E S L al where part of the water will be conveyed in a pipe line a distance of ft to tile the mill of the utah gold and copper co in white canyon mining district where it will be used the entire year tor for the concentration of ores at the mill and the balance to be used for placer mining along the course of the stream about 2 miles fromm from thee the point of diversion As water as Is necessary Is to be used for domestic purposes one halt half c ff ss of boff water Is to be returned to the natural channel at a point which bears N ft from the sa s1 cor sec 30 T 3 31 1 S R I 1 11 I 1 E S L al this Is designated in the state engineers office as file no all protests against the grant granting ingot of said application stating the reasons must bo be by affidavit in duplicate accompanied with a fee of and filed in this office within thirty 30 days after the completion or oc tho the publication of this notice GEORGE al BACON state engineer date of first publication august 21 1926 1925 date of completion of publication september 18 1925 NOTICE FOR publication department of the interior U S land office at salt lake city utah august 10 1925 NOTICE Is hereby given that arthur L brown of 0 kanab utah who on september 15 16 1920 made homestead entry no tor for lots lota 5 6 7 see sec G twp tap 42 south range 5 west aud SEU seia el SW lots 3 and 4 S NEU sec 1 twp tap 42 south range 6 west salt lake meridian has blied flied notice of intention to make three year proof to establish claim to the land above described before clerk of the district court at kanab utah on the day of september 1925 claimant Claim Rut names as witnesses john S cram almond H brown ferry B hamblin isaac 0 brown all of dauab kanab utah ELI ELIF F TAYLOR register first publication august 14 1925 last publication september 11 1925 NOTICE TO 70 WATER USERS state engineers office salt lake city utah september 6 1925 notice is hereby given that john johnson whoso choso postoffice Post office address Is tropic utah has made application in accordance with the requirements of the compiled laws of utah 1917 as amended by the session laws of utah 1919 and 1925 to appropriate one nine hundredth 1900 c f s of water from mud spring in kano kane county utah said water is to be diverted nt at the point Issuance of of spring which Is at a point 1776 it ft E H and 1775 ft S frum from the NW cor of sec 15 T 39 S R a 3 W S ill M and carried in a pipe line a distance of 56 ft where it will run into troughs and used from jan I 1 to dec 31 of each year for ano watering of 1800 head of sheep this application Is designated in the state engineers office as aa pile file no all protests against the granting of said application stating the reasons must be by affidavit in duplicate accompanied with a tee fee of 1100 and filed in this office within thirty 30 days after the completion comply tion of the publication of this notice GEO M BACON state engineer date of birot publication sept 11 1925 date of cof completion of publication october S 9 1025 ol columbu clumbus know where aher e was wa s going but buta he had a pretty fair idea he was armed with knowl edge faith and courage turn back I 1 his men demanded well Wel lall all go 90 over the end of the oceana ocean 1 applesauce columbus or the fifteenth cent ury equivalent 1 I know what im doing well ivell get p there A sound plan of regular saving is the surest aaget get ting there in life no income is too small to b be adapt able to a saving plan the important thing is to start and start early banau arb ta tate te eife HK 44 the very best at all times in the way of regular meals lunches soft drinks candies bakery goods fruits in ill season try our ice cream theatre and dance part portier es A TRIAL IS ALL WE ASK TOURISTS headquarters for traveling public in general norton N orton cafe caf e t 1 F I 4 4 3 d K when figuring on your trip to southern utah keep the i new cameron hotel i i at panguitch utah i in mind we are arc prepared to give you first class accommodations in every respect A good clean beds hot and cold water baths newly Re refurnished furnished throughout I 1 if X j one block west of the monument and bank X N bl binding anding twine THE SEASON IS ON AND WE HAVE THE GOODS THE PRICES ARE JUST A LITTLE UNDER THE 5 31 MARKET ARKET CALL AND BE CONVINCED sl P panguitch aitch aou coop co op 1 0 ss I S I 1 state bank of escalante escalante utah GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS pays interest on savings and other time deposits X 51 S PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE OFFICERS john spencer president john F haws vlee vice president DIRECTORS john spencer W D Wll cock john F haws haw S thos A king john king P 0 barker chas woolsey f LESTER SPENCER cashier 4 au t SK 1 utah home fire insurance coo co if X J WILL PROTECT YOUR HOME and BUSINESS surety bonds D M TODD jr agent H I 1 FIRST STATE BANK I 1 OF SAUNA SALINA capital and surplus COuTte courteous ous and liberal treatment is given our clients james farrell president 13 C gates vice president H B crandall cashier assistant cashier casbier E V johnson job SALINA A I 1 I 1 UTAH T 24 i M M 14 |