Show CHILDREN WHO RECEIVED PRIZES the following la Is a list of the children that received prizes tor for displays at the recent county fair there la Is quite a list of them and we certainly are glad to see bee the little etolka folks take tak e an interest in such things as they are the ones who will guide the destinies 0 or this and other sections ot of the country in the near future it certainly Is encouraging to see them take hold ot of these matters in their younger days the following list is furnished by tho the committee myrtle dav is ingra ipson edra richards mary dodds nelda riding mildred 1 daly dot daly vera violet sevy dorothy excell lavera hearle doris cameron claris cameron rosamond day florence todd mary myers metta venla venis hearle rhea ipson myrl myri norton florence prince vlra vira Her hearle arle erma lefevre margaret hurst nina hatch lona iona ipson vera ipson june haycock L louise davis dona neuell 0 boyter verd lefevre blanche showalter gwen riggs mildred ill marshall champ church ada miller armanda avis AVI worthen fern houston mary D judd grace cooper gwen cooper utahna miller mary gardiner |