Show 0 I 1 I 1 kanab 0 1 I 1 0 0 barn borato to mr and mrs airs earl judd a girl all doing nicely dr U 11 norris la Is still sojourning sojo in salt lake city those who attended the cedar city rodeo report having had bad a good time A large number of 0 our young people are arc preparing to attend the different universities A dancing party was given by the hotel highway in honor of miss em ma mcallister McAll lster and was highly enjoyed by the merry youngsters present prea ent it looks as though we are going to be able to sell all the cattle we want this year hurry up cowboys A shower was given by miss helen hamblin of miss irene haycock in the hamblin home borne the rooms were very tastefully decorated games gaines and merrymaking were indulged in and a very excellent luncheon was served in fact it was a very successful party dorn born to mr air and mrs jacob crosby a bo boy mother alother and babe getting along nicely and jacol jacob wears a smile that wont come oft off tho the road workers in Long valley report that their progress Is very rapid at present and that their contracts will soon be completed the dixie college gave a musicale cale in the warl meeting house sunday evening the performers displayed splendid talent and all who were present were highly pleased mrs airs katherine Kather lne cossetti Coss ettl ig 18 a visitor in chanab kanab at present the people are enjoying very fine programs at the star theace theatre the management reports more fine programs coming such as big timber the rose of parts paris fighting fury etc ten vicor recarda given to 10 lucky numbers every saturday night adv the McA mcalisters listers report a splendid reunion at st george |