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Show THE EVENING DISPATCH. John L. Bartow, Editor and Prop, j I Entered at the FoBtofficeatProvo.UUh.for transmission throug-h tbe malls as second class matter. 1 The office ot Thk Evening Dispatch is ocated half block north of the First National Bank Al communications should be addressed to THK DISPATCH. Provo. Utah. TO DISPATCH PAT HONS. ' M r. D. P. Felt is the regular representative of this paper. His contracts and receipts will le ratified and recognized by the management. manage-ment. John L, Bartow. ProDrietoi. TO THE BUSINESSMEN. Thk Dispatch -wishes to inaugurate tbe V6temof monthly settlements. It will present pre-sent its accounts against merchants and business busi-ness men for advertising and job work between be-tween the first and the sixth of eachmomh, and wishes naccounts against It to be presented pre-sented In the same way. Where agreement bave been made to pay in goods or produce, balances may be settled ty orderB. Respectfully, John L. Bartow. NOTICE. No order from this office will be recognized rec-ognized in settlement unless signed by Jno. L. Bartow. PROVO CITY. - JAN. 11. 1894. |