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Show March 15 - April 15 1997 ae 2 en “ee Se Z asa o ee, ee on ie Sre tecccanse 8 a eC J z= , oe 1997 Eastern Regionals & U.S. National Telemark Championships On February 25th enthusiastic Telemark racers from all over the country met at Bromley Mountain, Vermont to compete in Kare Andersen’s Eastern Regional Championships. The sun was shining, as it always does at Bromley, although temperatures were well below zero, much to the dismay of the spoiled western competitors. The giant slalom, and the classic held the following day, were on a great slope with both steeps and flats - and a large jump that led racers into the follow- ed with the extremely warm weather conditions. Salt was a must for the classic. After landing the jump, the super G.S. gates kept racers on their toes as their speed seemed to double. A reipelykkje turn (a 240-degree Norwegian embankment turn) threw the racers into the uphill skating section of the course. A few direction changes later and a lot of huffing and puffing brought the finish line and the end to the US National Championships. Jennifer Ledger took ing giant slalom gates at death-defying first place for the women speeds. Those gates didn’t seem quite so turny during inspection. It warmed up for Heather Paul in second. Chris Rice ran an followed by inspiring run to take the classic victory. the classic on the 26th. Pat Ledger took second, followed by Lars A fabulous party followed the races at the Vik in third with a crystal clean, penalty Pabst Pub in Bromley’s base lodge. Kare free run. Racers came out of the rain for the final award ceremony and party in_ the brought his famous Norwegian cakes, made from scratch of course, although they didn’t last long in a crowd of hungry Haystack classic racers. After the party, racers and National Champions fans headed to Mount Snow for the US" National Championships. The Nationals were held at Haystack ski area, now owned by Mount Snow. The training day scared a few racers back into their hotels as there was a nonstop down- pour all day long. However, the snow was great. The giant slalom on Friday started © the National Championships. The rain luckily held of for the competition. The site of the races, “Rocker,” brought racers to the finish line in about one minute. It was a Close race in the men’s with the first run putting only three one-hundredths between the top two men, Pat Ledger and Chris Rice. The penalty gods came into play putting Chris in first, fol- lowed by Pat, Jimbo Johnson took third. -and base Chris lodge. Rice. The 1997 US were Heather Paul Jennifer and Patrick Ledger took seconds and Jennifer Lamphere and Barry McNamara took third overall. It was a week of oe races, shabiks | to Kare Andersen and Bromley for a smooth, well-run Eastern Regionals. Additional thanks to Lynne Sullivan, Wendy Clark and Fred Casey at Mount Snow for a great National eee event. USTSA would also like to thank all those racers and Washington, fans who California, traveled Montana, from Utah, West Virginia, Oregon, and all over the East coast to Congratulations attend the races. to all, see you next sea- son! In the women’s division, Heather Paul finished a surprising eight seconds ahead Overall USTSA Results of second place finisher Jennifer Ledger, with Wendy Jordan close behind in third. Two runs with clear skies was a blessing in retrospect. The slalom on Saturday bréagtt rain and lots of fog. It was difficult to see more than one gate ahead. Some referred to this race as the Bermuda triangle, it caught several racers on the way down. Jennifer Lamphere cleanly skied her way to a second National Slalom title. Wendy Jordan placed second and Dana Breslau in third. Pat Ledger grabbed the men’s Slalom Title, followed by Chris Rice and Barry McNamara in third. The severe downpours began just as the race ended, thank- fully. | Sunday, once again pouring rain, was the classic terrain race. Each racer arrived at the start either loving or hating this race. The classic began with a long flat corridor where most racers tucked their way in the giant slalom section. The G.S. gates brought racers over the jump, which seemed to grow as the landing deteriorat- Men 1. Chris Rice 2 Pat Ledger 3% 4, 5: 6. q. 8. 9, 10. _ Jimbo Johnston Barry McNamara Dave Terwilliger Alan Moats Ken Lucas Mark Haberle Lars Vik - , @ The tail light and tailgate handle — for your 8795 Nissan Truck Armin Bischoffberger Women 1. a 3: 4. 5. @ Your left window regulator for » your 84-88 Toyota Truck Heather Paul Wendy Jordan Jennifer Ledger Lori Stahler Jennifer Lamphere ...PLUS a humonguous collection of parts for other vehicles with more arriving daily! USED AUTO & TRUCK PARTS WE’RE BOYING CARS & TRUCKS THAT HAVE BEEN TOTALED. CALL 801-973-6234 or 1-800-286-6234 -Staff Writer Page 11 |