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Show } se sate tie er Nl | . a wer ee Cra i OI LIRIAS, GALINA OAL L AGP LOREEN \. See “Weirdly Accurate” FOR S KI Ed RENTALS ACCESSORIES Wasatcn Sorr Goons ||PERUVIAN SKI RENTAL eMesiarcnlll | © Obermeyer ¢ Black Diamond Boundary e Dynastar X® —@Alf Wear @Smith / Bolle ®Grandoe @Ruesch ! @Saranac @Backcountry supplies Including: ¢ Scarpa Terminator 11, TZ ° Pitbull and RIVA2 Bindings ° Spare parts Carving and Racing Skis Atomic ¢ K2 ¢ Dynastar e Atomic Beta or Mega Carve Dynastar Racing Skis ~ @Pieps Transceivers baad Used Gear For Sale — OVERNIGHT TUNES @]ifelink Shovels THE FABULOUS _ FIRST LODGE ALTA PERUVIAN LODGE ON THE RIGHT AS YOU ENTER ALTA fOPRES SKI Come enjoy live music apres ski Sunday and Tuesday nights at the Alta Peruvian Club A Private Club for Members 801-742-3000 ¢ SLC 328-8589 * Micro brews on tap Wasatch Red Hook Boulder Squatters Giant Deli Sandwiches isces (February 19-March 20) This month you 4_will be afforded prime opportunities to display your prowess in the negotiating process. While compromise is not usually a word in your vocabulary, your well developed diplomacy skills will impress — others and create an atmosphere in which accomplishments will be made. Don’t worry, if you get a reputation as a softie you can “3 Sag always blame ) | mise mine mwas es arra\./uran Bb “After snowboarding on Chickadee all day | head to Salt Lake Roasting for a steamer.” --Mike “Ole” Olsen | “Great Vegi Lasagna | | Located Next to Alta Sports in the Albion Day Lodge Canyon Views (801) 742-2614 Located in the Albion Day Lodge 801-742- 500 Rue from: it on your medication. Yet, try not | to ever compro- ae Sait Lake Roasting Co, 320 E. on 400 S. on your need for time to ski/ride. n-ne gee eR REE + eee en oe Re AS quarius (January 20-February 18) Quick fix remedies will not help. you ae ourself this time from the latticework of dilemmas you’ ve become entangled in. The titime for finesse has passed, so get yourself a good machete and hack your way out _ the jungle of problems you’re presently in and don’t look back. When on the slopes it would be considered conduct unbecoming of an Aquarius to use brute force when finesse is an option. Exclusive Black Diamond Telemark Gear Rentals | @ Helly-Hansen @Nils & apricorn (December 22-January 19) Your ability to procrastinate is perhaps your \W greatest asset; rest assured no achievement will ever be accomplished without giving it the maximum amount of time to weigh all the options. Look forward to continuing heavy work load, but continue to court the alternatives. It would be unlike a Capricorn to fret over the consequences of anything, unless it affects you ability to ski/ride. ang (July 23- -August 22) Watchful eyes will-be peering over your shoulder for the next month. Try to perform up to expectations in order to evade too much scrutiny. However, continue to plan and plot for when the perfect opportunity arises and flee with everything you’ ve got. Rest assured that Your moment in the spotlight is not very far off - be ready to take advantage of the situation whenever it may rear itself. tee Ls S agittarius (November 22-December 21) An intense encounter with employment may have lifelong side-effects. Soothing therapy can only be found on the slopes and try not to make such an egregious mistake again. However, after you’ve pawned everything you and your friends own and are removed from the ranks of welfare recipients, con- _ sider only employment that is compatible with your personality type, like being a professional athlete. . (June 22-July 22) Forays into uncharted waters may leave you feeling that your lifeboat is too small, but keep it well provisioned and yourself mentally fortified and you will eventually emerge unscathed. Your natural tendency to be well pre- pared doesn’t mean you have to write your name in your underwear - but do let others know where you’re going, just in case you drop off the radar screen for too long. - AO er Ge orpio es 23-November 21) Sacrifice and suffering are an integral part of life, Ss: or so you ve heard. In your distorted vision of the world it is often very easy for you overlook to the good fortune you’ve always known. But beware, in the next month you’ll find that seemingly unconnected events are actually part of a larger conspiracy to deprive you of essential time for skiing/riding. ACT Ce (May 21-June21) The onset of another spring will inevitably unleash gloriJ ous plans for major adventures in the near future. As time marches on relentlessly, take actions now to ensure that your plans will become reality instead of falling by the wayside like so many times before. Fortunately, planning a day on the slopes is far easier than planning for anything else. L3 (September 23-October 22) This winter you have made progress in curbing 4— your sweet-tooth. Still, the occasional relapses leave you bouncing off the walls every time and driving everybody crazy. Perhaps your inane behavior is what pee really like about you - and try to consume sugar only on the slopes. A EN aurus (April 20- -May 20) Baurae s like to upset common notions of appropriate _4_ behavior, and spring is the perfect season for such antics. Paint checker board patterns on your car, shave your head, file your taxes, ride a Monoski - just make sure you do something to release your pent-up energies that can be perceived as destructive. irgo (August 23-September 22) A chance encounter with __Y¥_ your artistic side in the next month will lead to a re-evaluation of your path aibigh life. Your natural tendency to live for the moment may be interpreted as short-sighted by others, but it is really an integral part of your long range plan. Look forward to more days of calling in sick and skiing/riding instead. 1 A (March 21-April 19) While others may envision you as a pack-mule with an £Xability to carry a heavy load, what you really desire is to roam burdenless with the speed and grace of a mustang. But, for awhile you may have to stay right where you are, tethered to the ass in front of you. In the next month you’ll find other activities competing with skiing/riding for you attention, so do those other things at night for the best of both worlds. |