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Show = E Copyright Utah State Historical Society. © All rights reserved THE ALTA CALEN 10g =e *) The Alta Calendar for 1998 will be available April 1, 1997 (no kid- - ||| ding) at Blackjack Condominiums or most ski shops and lodges in Alta or by mail from: | | The Alta Calendar P.O. Box 8113 — o -. whos @ a se ne i | Alta, Utah 84092 ‘od ie a atl a | The costis $10 per copy. Please include 72¢ for Utah sales. Postage and handling is an additional $2.00 per copy. Personal delivery to the lodges is available by calling 742-2103. This year the calendar photos are all black and white shots of early skiing and mining days. oe 1997 calendars still available at reduced prices. oe “a cy. | || “ a ee ; | ; ) ; = a e +e anaes , |